Source code for pysindy.utils.base

from itertools import repeat
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import bisect
from sklearn.base import MultiOutputMixin
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array

# Define a special object for the default value of t in
# validate_input. Normally we would set the default
# value of t to be None, but it is possible for the user
# to pass in None, in which case validate_input performs
# no checks on t.
T_DEFAULT = object()

[docs]def flatten_2d_tall(x): return x.reshape(x.size // x.shape[-1], x.shape[-1])
[docs]def validate_input(x, t=T_DEFAULT): """Forces input data to have compatible dimensions, if possible. Args: x: array of input data (measured coordinates across time) t: time values for measurements. Returns: x as 2D array, with time dimension on first axis and coordinate index on second axis. """ if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("x must be array-like") elif x.ndim == 1: x = x.reshape(-1, 1) x_new = flatten_2d_tall(x) check_array(x, ensure_2d=False, allow_nd=True) if t is not T_DEFAULT: if t is None: raise ValueError("t must be a scalar or array-like.") # Apply this check if t is a scalar elif np.ndim(t) == 0 and (isinstance(t, int) or isinstance(t, float)): if t <= 0: raise ValueError("t must be positive") # Only apply these tests if t is array-like elif isinstance(t, np.ndarray): if not len(t) == x.shape[-2]: raise ValueError("Length of t should match x.shape[-2].") if not np.all(t[:-1] < t[1:]): raise ValueError("Values in t should be in strictly increasing order.") else: raise ValueError("t must be a scalar or array-like.") return x_new
[docs]def validate_no_reshape(x, t=T_DEFAULT): """Check types and numerical sensibility of arguments. Args: x: array of input data (measured coordinates across time) t: time values for measurements. Returns: x as 2D array, with time dimension on first axis and coordinate index on second axis. """ if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input value must be array-like") check_array(x, ensure_2d=False, allow_nd=True) if t is not T_DEFAULT: if t is None: raise ValueError("t must be a scalar or array-like.") # Apply this check if t is a scalar elif np.ndim(t) == 0 and (isinstance(t, int) or isinstance(t, float)): if t <= 0: raise ValueError("t must be positive") # Only apply these tests if t is array-like elif isinstance(t, np.ndarray): if not len(t) == x.shape[-2]: raise ValueError("Length of t should match x.shape[-2].") if not np.all(t[:-1] < t[1:]): raise ValueError("Values in t should be in strictly increasing order.") else: raise ValueError("t must be a scalar or array-like.") return x
[docs]def validate_control_variables(x, u, trim_last_point=False): """Ensure that control variables u are compatible with the data x. Trims last control variable timepoint if set to True """ if not isinstance(x, Sequence): raise ValueError("x must be a list when multiple_trajectories is True") if not isinstance(u, Sequence): raise ValueError("u must be a list when multiple_trajectories is True") if len(x) != len(u): raise ValueError( "x and u must be lists of the same length when " "multiple_trajectories is True" ) def _check_control_shape(x, u, trim_last_point): """ Compare shape of control variable u against x. """ if u.shape[u.ax_time] != x.shape[x.ax_time]: raise ValueError( "control variables u must have same number of rows as x. " "u has {} rows and x has {} rows".format(u.shape[0], len(x)) ) return u[:-1] if trim_last_point else u u_arr = [_check_control_shape(xi, ui, trim_last_point) for xi, ui in zip(x, u)] return u_arr
[docs]def drop_nan_samples(x, y): """Drops samples from x and y where there is either has a nan value""" x_non_sample_axes = tuple(ax for ax in range(x.ndim) if ax != x.ax_sample) y_non_sample_axes = tuple(ax for ax in range(y.ndim) if ax != y.ax_sample) x_good_samples = (~np.isnan(x)).any(axis=x_non_sample_axes) y_good_samples = (~np.isnan(y)).any(axis=y_non_sample_axes) good_sample_ind = np.nonzero(x_good_samples & y_good_samples)[0] x = x.take(good_sample_ind, axis=x.ax_sample) y = y.take(good_sample_ind, axis=y.ax_sample) return x, y
[docs]def reorder_constraints(c, n_features, output_order="row"): """Reorder constraint matrix.""" ret = c.copy() if ret.ndim == 1: ret = ret.reshape(1, -1) n_targets = ret.shape[1] // n_features shape = (n_targets, n_features) if output_order == "row": for i in range(ret.shape[0]): ret[i] = ret[i].reshape(shape).flatten(order="F") else: for i in range(ret.shape[0]): ret[i] = ret[i].reshape(shape, order="F").flatten() return ret
[docs]def prox_l0(x, threshold): """Proximal operator for L0 regularization.""" return x * (np.abs(x) > threshold)
[docs]def prox_weighted_l0(x, thresholds): """Proximal operator for weighted l0 regularization.""" y = np.zeros(np.shape(x)) transp_thresholds = thresholds.T for i in range(transp_thresholds.shape[0]): for j in range(transp_thresholds.shape[1]): y[i, j] = x[i, j] * (np.abs(x[i, j]) > transp_thresholds[i, j]) return y
[docs]def prox_l1(x, threshold): """Proximal operator for L1 regularization.""" return np.sign(x) * np.maximum(np.abs(x) - threshold, 0)
[docs]def prox_weighted_l1(x, thresholds): """Proximal operator for weighted l1 regularization.""" return np.sign(x) * np.maximum(np.abs(x) - thresholds, np.zeros(x.shape))
[docs]def prox_l2(x, threshold): """Proximal operator for ridge regularization.""" return 2 * threshold * x
[docs]def prox_weighted_l2(x, thresholds): """Proximal operator for ridge regularization.""" return 2 * thresholds * x
# TODO: replace code block with proper math block
[docs]def prox_cad(x, lower_threshold): """ Proximal operator for CAD regularization .. code :: prox_cad(z, a, b) = 0 if |z| < a sign(z)(|z| - a) if a < |z| <= b z if |z| > b Entries of :math:`x` smaller than a in magnitude are set to 0, entries with magnitudes larger than b are untouched, and entries in between have soft-thresholding applied. For simplicity we set :math:`b = 5*a` in this implementation. """ upper_threshold = 5 * lower_threshold return prox_l0(x, upper_threshold) + prox_l1(x, lower_threshold) * ( np.abs(x) < upper_threshold )
[docs]def get_prox(regularization): prox = { "l0": prox_l0, "weighted_l0": prox_weighted_l0, "l1": prox_l1, "weighted_l1": prox_weighted_l1, "l2": prox_l2, "weighted_l2": prox_weighted_l2, "cad": prox_cad, } if regularization.lower() in prox.keys(): return prox[regularization.lower()] else: raise NotImplementedError("{} has not been implemented".format(regularization))
[docs]def get_regularization(regularization): if regularization.lower() == "l0": return lambda x, lam: lam * np.count_nonzero(x) elif regularization.lower() == "weighted_l0": return lambda x, lam: np.sum(lam[np.nonzero(x)]) elif regularization.lower() == "l1": return lambda x, lam: lam * np.sum(np.abs(x)) elif regularization.lower() == "weighted_l1": return lambda x, lam: np.sum(np.abs(lam @ x)) elif regularization.lower() == "l2": return lambda x, lam: lam * np.sum(x**2) elif regularization.lower() == "weighted_l2": return lambda x, lam: np.sum(lam @ x**2) elif regularization.lower() == "cad": # dummy function return lambda x, lam: 0 else: raise NotImplementedError("{} has not been implemented".format(regularization))
[docs]def capped_simplex_projection(trimming_array, trimming_fraction): """Projection of trimming_array onto the capped simplex""" a = np.min(trimming_array) - 1.0 b = np.max(trimming_array) - 0.0 def f(x): return ( np.sum(np.maximum(np.minimum(trimming_array - x, 1.0), 0.0)) - (1.0 - trimming_fraction) * trimming_array.size ) x = bisect(f, a, b) return np.maximum(np.minimum(trimming_array - x, 1.0), 0.0)
[docs]def equations(pipeline, input_features=None, precision=3, input_fmt=None): input_features = pipeline.steps[0][1].get_feature_names(input_features) if input_fmt: input_features = [input_fmt(i) for i in input_features] coef = pipeline.steps[-1][1].coef_ intercept = pipeline.steps[-1][1].intercept_ if np.isscalar(intercept): intercept = intercept * np.ones(coef.shape[0]) return [ print_model( coef[i], input_features, intercept=intercept[i], precision=precision ) for i in range(coef.shape[0]) ]
[docs]def supports_multiple_targets(estimator): """Checks whether estimator supports multiple targets.""" if isinstance(estimator, MultiOutputMixin): return True try: return estimator._more_tags()["multioutput"] except (AttributeError, KeyError): return False