Source code for pysindy.utils.axes

from typing import List

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin


[docs]class AxesArray(np.lib.mixins.NDArrayOperatorsMixin, np.ndarray): """A numpy-like array that keeps track of the meaning of its axes. Parameters: input_array (array-like): the data to create the array. axes (dict): A dictionary of axis labels to shape indices. Allowed keys: - ax_time: int - ax_coord: int - ax_sample: int - ax_spatial: List[int] Raises: AxesWarning if axes does not match shape of input_array """ def __new__(cls, input_array, axes): obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) defaults = { "ax_time": None, "ax_coord": None, "ax_sample": None, "ax_spatial": [], } if axes is None: return obj obj.__dict__.update({**defaults, **axes}) return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj) -> None: if obj is None: return self.ax_time = getattr(obj, "ax_time", None) self.ax_coord = getattr(obj, "ax_coord", None) self.ax_sample = getattr(obj, "ax_sample", None) self.ax_spatial = getattr(obj, "ax_spatial", []) @property def n_spatial(self): return tuple(self.shape[ax] for ax in self.ax_spatial) @property def n_time(self): return self.shape[self.ax_time] if self.ax_time is not None else 1 @property def n_sample(self): return self.shape[self.ax_sample] if self.ax_sample is not None else 1 @property def n_coord(self): return self.shape[self.ax_coord] if self.ax_coord is not None else 1 def __array_ufunc__( self, ufunc, method, *inputs, out=None, **kwargs ): # this method is called whenever you use a ufunc args = [] for input_ in inputs: if isinstance(input_, AxesArray): args.append(input_.view(np.ndarray)) else: args.append(input_) outputs = out if outputs: out_args = [] for output in outputs: if isinstance(output, AxesArray): out_args.append(output.view(np.ndarray)) else: out_args.append(output) kwargs["out"] = tuple(out_args) else: outputs = (None,) * ufunc.nout results = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs) if results is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented if method == "at": return if ufunc.nout == 1: results = (results,) results = tuple( (AxesArray(np.asarray(result), self.__dict__) if output is None else output) for result, output in zip(results, outputs) ) return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): if func not in HANDLED_FUNCTIONS: arr = super(AxesArray, self).__array_function__(func, types, args, kwargs) if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): return AxesArray(arr, axes=self.__dict__) elif arr is not None: return arr return if not all(issubclass(t, AxesArray) for t in types): return NotImplemented return HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[func](*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def implements(numpy_function): """Register an __array_function__ implementation for MyArray objects.""" def decorator(func): HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[numpy_function] = func return func return decorator
[docs]@implements(np.concatenate) def concatenate(arrays, axis=0): parents = [np.asarray(obj) for obj in arrays] ax_list = [obj.__dict__ for obj in arrays if isinstance(obj, AxesArray)] for ax1, ax2 in zip(ax_list[:-1], ax_list[1:]): if ax1 != ax2: raise TypeError("Concatenating >1 AxesArray with incompatible axes") return AxesArray(np.concatenate(parents, axis), axes=ax_list[0])
[docs]def comprehend_axes(x): axes = {} axes["ax_coord"] = len(x.shape) - 1 axes["ax_time"] = len(x.shape) - 2 axes["ax_spatial"] = list(range(len(x.shape) - 2)) return axes
[docs]class SampleConcatter(TransformerMixin): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def fit(self, x_list, y_list): return self
def __sklearn_is_fitted__(self): return True
[docs] def transform(self, x_list): return concat_sample_axis(x_list)
[docs]def concat_sample_axis(x_list: List[AxesArray]): """Concatenate all trajectories and axes used to create samples.""" new_arrs = [] for x in x_list: sample_axes = ( x.ax_spatial + ([x.ax_time] if x.ax_time is not None else []) + ([x.ax_sample] if x.ax_sample is not None else []) ) new_axes = {"ax_sample": 0, "ax_coord": 1} n_samples =[x.shape[ax] for ax in sample_axes]) arr = AxesArray(x.reshape((n_samples, x.shape[x.ax_coord])), new_axes) new_arrs.append(arr) return np.concatenate(new_arrs, axis=new_arrs[0].ax_sample)
[docs]def wrap_axes(axes: dict, obj): """Add axes to object (usually, a sparse matrix)""" for key in ["ax_spatial", "ax_time", "ax_sample", "ax_coord"]: try: obj.__setattr__(key, axes[key]) except KeyError: pass return obj