Source code for pysindy.optimizers.trapping_sr3

import warnings

import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import cho_factor
from scipy.linalg import cho_solve
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning

from ..utils import reorder_constraints
from .sr3 import SR3

[docs]class TrappingSR3(SR3): """ Trapping variant of sparse relaxed regularized regression. This optimizer can be used to identify systems with globally stable (bounded) solutions. Attempts to minimize one of two related objective functions .. math:: 0.5\\|y-Xw\\|^2_2 + \\lambda R(w) + 0.5\\|Pw-A\\|^2_2/\\eta + \\delta_0(Cw-d) + \\delta_{\\Lambda}(A) or .. math:: 0.5\\|y-Xw\\|^2_2 + \\lambda R(w) + \\delta_0(Cw-d) + 0.5 * maximumeigenvalue(A)/\\eta where :math:`R(w)` is a regularization function, which must be convex, :math:`\\delta_0` is an indicator function that provides a hard constraint of CW = d, and :math:\\delta_{\\Lambda} is a term to project the :math:`A` matrix onto the space of negative definite matrices. See the following references for more details: Kaptanoglu, Alan A., et al. "Promoting global stability in data-driven models of quadratic nonlinear dynamics." arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01843 (2021). Zheng, Peng, et al. "A unified framework for sparse relaxed regularized regression: Sr3." IEEE Access 7 (2018): 1404-1423. Champion, Kathleen, et al. "A unified sparse optimization framework to learn parsimonious physics-informed models from data." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 169259-169271. Parameters ---------- evolve_w : bool, optional (default True) If false, don't update w and just minimize over (m, A) threshold : float, optional (default 0.1) Determines the strength of the regularization. When the regularization function R is the L0 norm, the regularization is equivalent to performing hard thresholding, and lambda is chosen to threshold at the value given by this parameter. This is equivalent to choosing lambda = threshold^2 / (2 * nu). eta : float, optional (default 1.0e20) Determines the strength of the stability term ||Pw-A||^2 in the optimization. The default value is very large so that the algorithm default is to ignore the stability term. In this limit, this should be approximately equivalent to the ConstrainedSR3 method. alpha_m : float, optional (default eta * 0.1) Determines the step size in the prox-gradient descent over m. For convergence, need alpha_m <= eta / ||w^T * PQ^T * PQ * w||. Typically 0.01 * eta <= alpha_m <= 0.1 * eta. alpha_A : float, optional (default eta) Determines the step size in the prox-gradient descent over A. For convergence, need alpha_A <= eta, so typically alpha_A = eta is used. gamma : float, optional (default 0.1) Determines the negative interval that matrix A is projected onto. For most applications gamma = 0.1 - 1.0 works pretty well. tol : float, optional (default 1e-5) Tolerance used for determining convergence of the optimization algorithm over w. tol_m : float, optional (default 1e-5) Tolerance used for determining convergence of the optimization algorithm over m. thresholder : string, optional (default 'L1') Regularization function to use. For current trapping SINDy, only the L1 and L2 norms are implemented. Note that other convex norms could be straightforwardly implemented, but L0 requires reformulation because of nonconvexity. thresholds : np.ndarray, shape (n_targets, n_features), optional \ (default None) Array of thresholds for each library function coefficient. Each row corresponds to a measurement variable and each column to a function from the feature library. Recall that SINDy seeks a matrix :math:`\\Xi` such that :math:`\\dot{X} \\approx \\Theta(X)\\Xi`. ``thresholds[i, j]`` should specify the threshold to be used for the (j + 1, i + 1) entry of :math:`\\Xi`. That is to say it should give the threshold to be used for the (j + 1)st library function in the equation for the (i + 1)st measurement variable. eps_solver : float, optional (default 1.0e-7) If threshold != 0, this specifies the error tolerance in the CVXPY (OSQP) solve. Default is 1.0e-3 in OSQP. relax_optim : bool, optional (default True) If relax_optim = True, use the relax-and-split method. If False, try a direct minimization on the largest eigenvalue. inequality_constraints : bool, optional (default False) If True, relax_optim must be false or relax_optim = True AND threshold != 0, so that the CVXPY methods are used. max_iter : int, optional (default 30) Maximum iterations of the optimization algorithm. accel : bool, optional (default False) Whether or not to use accelerated prox-gradient descent for (m, A). m0 : np.ndarray, shape (n_targets), optional (default None) Initial guess for vector m in the optimization. Otherwise each component of m is randomly initialized in [-1, 1]. A0 : np.ndarray, shape (n_targets, n_targets), optional (default None) Initial guess for vector A in the optimization. Otherwise A is initialized as A = diag(gamma). fit_intercept : boolean, optional (default False) Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations. copy_X : boolean, optional (default True) If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. normalize_columns : boolean, optional (default False) Normalize the columns of x (the SINDy library terms) before regression by dividing by the L2-norm. Note that the 'normalize' option in sklearn is deprecated in sklearn versions >= 1.0 and will be removed. verbose : bool, optional (default False) If True, prints out the different error terms every max_iter / 10 iterations. verbose_cvxpy : bool, optional (default False) Boolean flag which is passed to CVXPY solve function to indicate if output should be verbose or not. Only relevant for optimizers that use the CVXPY package in some capabity. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Regularized weight vector(s). This is the v in the objective function. history_ : list History of sparse coefficients. ``history_[k]`` contains the sparse coefficients (v in the optimization objective function) at iteration k. objective_history_ : list History of the value of the objective at each step. Note that the trapping SINDy problem is nonconvex, meaning that this value may increase and decrease as the algorithm works. A_history_ : list History of the auxiliary variable A that approximates diag(PW). m_history_ : list History of the shift vector m that determines the origin of the trapping region. PW_history_ : list History of PW = A^S, the quantity we are attempting to make negative definite. PWeigs_history_ : list History of diag(PW), a list of the eigenvalues of A^S at each iteration. Tracking this allows us to ascertain if A^S is indeed being pulled towards the space of negative definite matrices. PL_unsym_ : np.ndarray, shape (n_targets, n_targets, n_targets, n_features) Unsymmetrized linear coefficient part of the P matrix in ||Pw - A||^2 PL_ : np.ndarray, shape (n_targets, n_targets, n_targets, n_features) Linear coefficient part of the P matrix in ||Pw - A||^2 PQ_ : np.ndarray, shape (n_targets, n_targets, n_targets, n_targets, n_features) Quadratic coefficient part of the P matrix in ||Pw - A||^2 Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy.integrate import odeint >>> from pysindy import SINDy >>> from pysindy.optimizers import TrappingSR3 >>> lorenz = lambda z,t : [10*(z[1] - z[0]), >>> z[0]*(28 - z[2]) - z[1], >>> z[0]*z[1] - 8/3*z[2]] >>> t = np.arange(0,2,.002) >>> x = odeint(lorenz, [-8,8,27], t) >>> opt = TrappingSR3(threshold=0.1) >>> model = SINDy(optimizer=opt) >>>, t=t[1]-t[0]) >>> model.print() x0' = -10.004 1 + 10.004 x0 x1' = 27.994 1 + -0.993 x0 + -1.000 1 x1 x2' = -2.662 x1 + 1.000 1 x0 """ def __init__( self, evolve_w=True, threshold=0.1, eps_solver=1e-7, relax_optim=True, inequality_constraints=False, eta=None, alpha_A=None, alpha_m=None, gamma=-0.1, tol=1e-5, tol_m=1e-5, thresholder="l1", thresholds=None, max_iter=30, accel=False, normalize_columns=False, fit_intercept=False, copy_X=True, m0=None, A0=None, objective_history=None, constraint_lhs=None, constraint_rhs=None, constraint_order="target", verbose=False, verbose_cvxpy=False, ): super(TrappingSR3, self).__init__( threshold=threshold, max_iter=max_iter, normalize_columns=normalize_columns, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, copy_X=copy_X, thresholder=thresholder, thresholds=thresholds, verbose=verbose, ) if thresholder.lower() not in ("l1", "l2", "weighted_l1", "weighted_l2"): raise ValueError("Regularizer must be (weighted) L1 or L2") if eta is None: warnings.warn( "eta was not set, so defaulting to eta = 1e20 " "with alpha_m = 1e-2 * eta, alpha_A = eta. Here eta is so " "large that the stability term in the optimization " "will be ignored." ) eta = 1e20 alpha_m = 1e18 alpha_A = 1e20 else: if alpha_m is None: alpha_m = eta * 1e-2 if alpha_A is None: alpha_A = eta if eta <= 0: raise ValueError("eta must be positive") if alpha_m < 0 or alpha_m > eta: raise ValueError("0 <= alpha_m <= eta") if alpha_A < 0 or alpha_A > eta: raise ValueError("0 <= alpha_A <= eta") if gamma >= 0: raise ValueError("gamma must be negative") if tol <= 0 or tol_m <= 0 or eps_solver <= 0: raise ValueError("tol and tol_m must be positive") if not evolve_w and not relax_optim: raise ValueError("If doing direct solve, must evolve w") if inequality_constraints and relax_optim and threshold == 0.0: raise ValueError( "Ineq. constr. -> threshold!=0 + relax_optim=True or relax_optim=False." ) if inequality_constraints and not evolve_w: raise ValueError( "Use of inequality constraints requires solving for xi (evolve_w=True)." ) self.evolve_w = evolve_w self.eps_solver = eps_solver self.relax_optim = relax_optim self.inequality_constraints = inequality_constraints self.m0 = m0 self.A0 = A0 self.alpha_A = alpha_A self.alpha_m = alpha_m self.eta = eta self.gamma = gamma self.tol = tol self.tol_m = tol_m self.accel = accel self.verbose_cvxpy = verbose_cvxpy self.A_history_ = [] self.m_history_ = [] self.PW_history_ = [] self.PWeigs_history_ = [] self.history_ = [] self.objective_history = objective_history self.unbias = False self.use_constraints = (constraint_lhs is not None) and ( constraint_rhs is not None ) if self.use_constraints: if constraint_order not in ("feature", "target"): raise ValueError( "constraint_order must be either 'feature' or 'target'" ) self.constraint_lhs = constraint_lhs self.constraint_rhs = constraint_rhs self.unbias = False self.constraint_order = constraint_order def _set_Ptensors(self, r): """Make the projection tensors used for the algorithm.""" N = int((r**2 + 3 * r) / 2.0) # delta_{il}delta_{jk} PL_tensor = np.zeros((r, r, r, N)) PL_tensor_unsym = np.zeros((r, r, r, N)) for i in range(r): for j in range(r): for k in range(r): for kk in range(N): if i == k and j == kk: PL_tensor_unsym[i, j, k, kk] = 1.0 # Now symmetrize PL for i in range(r): for j in range(N): PL_tensor[:, :, i, j] = 0.5 * ( PL_tensor_unsym[:, :, i, j] + PL_tensor_unsym[:, :, i, j].T ) # if j == k, delta_{il}delta_{N-r+j,n} # if j != k, delta_{il}delta_{r+j+k-1,n} PQ_tensor = np.zeros((r, r, r, r, N)) for i in range(r): for j in range(r): for k in range(r): for kk in range(r): for n in range(N): if (j == k) and (n == N - r + j) and (i == kk): PQ_tensor[i, j, k, kk, n] = 1.0 if (j != k) and (n == r + j + k - 1) and (i == kk): PQ_tensor[i, j, k, kk, n] = 1 / 2 return PL_tensor_unsym, PL_tensor, PQ_tensor def _bad_PL(self, PL): """Check if PL tensor is properly defined""" tol = 1e-10 return np.any((np.transpose(PL, [1, 0, 2, 3]) - PL) > tol) def _bad_PQ(self, PQ): """Check if PQ tensor is properly defined""" tol = 1e-10 return np.any((np.transpose(PQ, [0, 2, 1, 3, 4]) - PQ) > tol) def _check_P_matrix(self, r, n_features, N): """Check if P tensor is properly defined""" # If these tensors are not passed, or incorrect shape, assume zeros if self.PQ_ is None: self.PQ_ = np.zeros((r, r, r, r, n_features)) warnings.warn( "The PQ tensor (a requirement for the stability promotion) was" " not set, so setting this tensor to all zeros. " ) elif (self.PQ_).shape != (r, r, r, r, n_features) and (self.PQ_).shape != ( r, r, r, r, N, ): self.PQ_ = np.zeros((r, r, r, r, n_features)) warnings.warn( "The PQ tensor (a requirement for the stability promotion) was" " initialized with incorrect dimensions, " "so setting this tensor to all zeros " "(with the correct dimensions). " ) if self.PL_ is None: self.PL_ = np.zeros((r, r, r, n_features)) warnings.warn( "The PL tensor (a requirement for the stability promotion) was" " not set, so setting this tensor to all zeros. " ) elif (self.PL_).shape != (r, r, r, n_features) and (self.PL_).shape != ( r, r, r, N, ): self.PL_ = np.zeros((r, r, r, n_features)) warnings.warn( "The PL tensor (a requirement for the stability promotion) was" " initialized with incorrect dimensions, " "so setting this tensor to all zeros " "(with the correct dimensions). " ) # Check if the tensor symmetries are properly defined if self._bad_PL(self.PL_): raise ValueError("PL tensor was passed but the symmetries are not correct") if self._bad_PQ(self.PQ_): raise ValueError("PQ tensor was passed but the symmetries are not correct") # If PL/PQ finite and correct, so trapping theorem is being used, # then make sure library is quadratic and correct shape if (np.any(self.PL_ != 0.0) or np.any(self.PQ_ != 0.0)) and n_features != N: print( "The feature library is the wrong shape or not quadratic, " "so please correct this if you are attempting to use the " "trapping algorithm with the stability term included. Setting " "PL and PQ tensors to zeros for now." ) self.PL_ = np.zeros((r, r, r, n_features)) self.PQ_ = np.zeros((r, r, r, r, n_features)) def _update_coef_constraints(self, H, x_transpose_y, P_transpose_A, coef_sparse): """Solves the coefficient update analytically if threshold = 0""" g = x_transpose_y + P_transpose_A / self.eta inv1 = np.linalg.pinv(H, rcond=1e-15) inv2 = np.linalg.pinv(, rcond=1e-15 ) rhs = g.flatten() + self.constraint_rhs - ) rhs = rhs.reshape(g.shape) return def _update_A(self, A_old, PW): """Update the symmetrized A matrix""" eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(A_old) eigPW, eigvecsPW = np.linalg.eigh(PW) r = A_old.shape[0] A = np.diag(eigvals) for i in range(r): if eigvals[i] > self.gamma: A[i, i] = self.gamma return eigvecsPW @ A @ np.linalg.inv(eigvecsPW) def _convergence_criterion(self): """Calculate the convergence criterion for the optimization over w""" this_coef = self.history_[-1] if len(self.history_) > 1: last_coef = self.history_[-2] else: last_coef = np.zeros_like(this_coef) err_coef = np.sqrt(np.sum((this_coef - last_coef) ** 2)) return err_coef def _m_convergence_criterion(self): """Calculate the convergence criterion for the optimization over m""" return np.sum(np.abs(self.m_history_[-2] - self.m_history_[-1])) def _objective(self, x, y, coef_sparse, A, PW, q): """Objective function""" # Compute the errors R2 = (y -, coef_sparse)) ** 2 A2 = (A - PW) ** 2 L1 = self.threshold * np.sum(np.abs(coef_sparse.flatten())) # convoluted way to print every max_iter / 10 iterations if self.verbose and q % max(1, self.max_iter // 10) == 0: row = [ q, 0.5 * np.sum(R2), 0.5 * np.sum(A2) / self.eta, L1, 0.5 * np.sum(R2) + 0.5 * np.sum(A2) / self.eta + L1, ] print( "{0:10d} ... {1:10.4e} ... {2:10.4e} ... {3:10.4e}" " ... {4:10.4e}".format(*row) ) return 0.5 * np.sum(R2) + 0.5 * np.sum(A2) / self.eta + L1 def _solve_sparse_relax_and_split(self, r, N, x_expanded, y, Pmatrix, A, coef_prev): """Solve coefficient update with CVXPY if threshold != 0""" xi = cp.Variable(N * r) cost = cp.sum_squares(x_expanded @ xi - y.flatten()) if self.thresholder.lower() == "l1": cost = cost + self.threshold * cp.norm1(xi) elif self.thresholder.lower() == "weighted_l1": cost = cost + cp.norm1(np.ravel(self.thresholds) @ xi) elif self.thresholder.lower() == "l2": cost = cost + self.threshold * cp.norm2(xi) ** 2 elif self.thresholder.lower() == "weighted_l2": cost = cost + cp.norm2(np.ravel(self.thresholds) @ xi) ** 2 cost = cost + cp.sum_squares(Pmatrix @ xi - A.flatten()) / self.eta if self.use_constraints: if self.inequality_constraints: prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [self.constraint_lhs @ xi <= self.constraint_rhs], ) else: prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [self.constraint_lhs @ xi == self.constraint_rhs], ) else: prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost)) # default solver is OSQP here but switches to ECOS for L2 try: prob.solve( eps_abs=self.eps_solver, eps_rel=self.eps_solver, verbose=self.verbose_cvxpy, ) # Annoying error coming from L2 norm switching to use the ECOS # solver, which uses "max_iters" instead of "max_iter", and # similar semantic changes for the other variables. except TypeError: try: prob.solve( abstol=self.eps_solver, reltol=self.eps_solver, verbose=self.verbose_cvxpy, ) except cp.error.SolverError: print("Solver failed, setting coefs to zeros") xi.value = np.zeros(N * r) except cp.error.SolverError: print("Solver failed, setting coefs to zeros") xi.value = np.zeros(N * r) if xi.value is None: warnings.warn( "Infeasible solve, increase/decrease eta", ConvergenceWarning, ) return None coef_sparse = (xi.value).reshape(coef_prev.shape) return coef_sparse def _solve_m_relax_and_split(self, r, N, m_prev, m, A, coef_sparse, tk_previous): """ If using the relaxation formulation of trapping SINDy, solves the (m, A) algorithm update. """ # prox-grad for (A, m) # Accelerated prox gradient descent if self.accel: tk = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * tk_previous**2)) / 2.0 m_partial = m + (tk_previous - 1.0) / tk * (m - m_prev) tk_previous = tk mPQ = np.tensordot(m_partial, self.PQ_, axes=([0], [0])) else: mPQ = np.tensordot(m, self.PQ_, axes=([0], [0])) p = self.PL_ - mPQ PW = np.tensordot(p, coef_sparse, axes=([3, 2], [0, 1])) PQW = np.tensordot(self.PQ_, coef_sparse, axes=([4, 3], [0, 1])) A_b = (A - PW) / self.eta PQWT_PW = np.tensordot(PQW, A_b, axes=([2, 1], [0, 1])) if self.accel: m_new = m_partial - self.alpha_m * PQWT_PW else: m_new = m_prev - self.alpha_m * PQWT_PW m_current = m_new # Update A A_new = self._update_A(A - self.alpha_A * A_b, PW) return m_current, m_new, A_new, tk_previous def _solve_nonsparse_relax_and_split(self, H, xTy, P_transpose_A, coef_prev): """Update for the coefficients if threshold = 0.""" if self.use_constraints: coef_sparse = self._update_coef_constraints( H, xTy, P_transpose_A, coef_prev ).reshape(coef_prev.shape) else: cho = cho_factor(H) coef_sparse = cho_solve(cho, xTy + P_transpose_A / self.eta).reshape( coef_prev.shape ) return coef_sparse def _solve_direct_cvxpy(self, r, N, x_expanded, y, Pmatrix, coef_prev): """ If using the direct formulation of trapping SINDy, solves the entire problem in CVXPY regardless of the threshold value. Note that this is a convex-composite (i.e. technically nonconvex) problem, solved in CVXPY, so convergence/quality guarantees are not available here! """ xi = cp.Variable(N * r) cost = cp.sum_squares(x_expanded @ xi - y.flatten()) if self.thresholder.lower() == "l1": cost = cost + self.threshold * cp.norm1(xi) elif self.thresholder.lower() == "weighted_l1": cost = cost + cp.norm1(np.ravel(self.thresholds) @ xi) elif self.thresholder.lower() == "l2": cost = cost + self.threshold * cp.norm2(xi) ** 2 elif self.thresholder.lower() == "weighted_l2": cost = cost + cp.norm2(np.ravel(self.thresholds) @ xi) ** 2 cost = cost + cp.lambda_max(cp.reshape(Pmatrix @ xi, (r, r))) / self.eta if self.use_constraints: if self.inequality_constraints: prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [self.constraint_lhs @ xi <= self.constraint_rhs], ) else: prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [self.constraint_lhs @ xi == self.constraint_rhs], ) else: prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost)) # default solver is SCS here try: prob.solve(eps=self.eps_solver, verbose=self.verbose_cvxpy) # Annoying error coming from L2 norm switching to use the ECOS # solver, which uses "max_iters" instead of "max_iter", and # similar semantic changes for the other variables. except TypeError: prob.solve( abstol=self.eps_solver, reltol=self.eps_solver, verbose=self.verbose_cvxpy, ) except cp.error.SolverError: print("Solver failed, setting coefs to zeros") xi.value = np.zeros(N * r) if xi.value is None: print("Infeasible solve, increase/decrease eta") return None, None coef_sparse = (xi.value).reshape(coef_prev.shape) if np.all(self.PL_ == 0) and np.all(self.PQ_ == 0): return np.zeros(r), coef_sparse # no optimization over m else: m_cp = cp.Variable(r) L = np.tensordot(self.PL_, coef_sparse, axes=([3, 2], [0, 1])) Q = np.reshape( np.tensordot(self.PQ_, coef_sparse, axes=([4, 3], [0, 1])), (r, r * r) ) Ls = 0.5 * (L + L.T).flatten() cost_m = cp.lambda_max(cp.reshape(Ls - m_cp @ Q, (r, r))) prob_m = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost_m)) # default solver is SCS here prob_m.solve(eps=self.eps_solver, verbose=self.verbose_cvxpy) m = m_cp.value if m is None: print("Infeasible solve over m, increase/decrease eta") return None, coef_sparse return m, coef_sparse def _reduce(self, x, y): """ Perform at most ``self.max_iter`` iterations of the TrappingSR3 algorithm. Assumes initial guess for coefficients is stored in ``self.coef_``. """ n_samples, n_features = x.shape r = y.shape[1] N = int((r**2 + 3 * r) / 2.0) # Define PL and PQ tensors, only relevant if the stability term in # trapping SINDy is turned on. self.PL_unsym_, self.PL_, self.PQ_ = self._set_Ptensors(r) # make sure dimensions/symmetries are correct self._check_P_matrix(r, n_features, N) # Set initial coefficients if self.use_constraints and self.constraint_order.lower() == "target": self.constraint_lhs = reorder_constraints( self.constraint_lhs, n_features, output_order="target" ) coef_sparse = self.coef_.T # Print initial values for each term in the optimization if self.verbose: row = [ "Iteration", "Data Error", "Stability Error", "L1 Error", "Total Error", ] print( "{: >10} ... {: >10} ... {: >10} ... {: >10}" " ... {: >10}".format(*row) ) # initial A if self.A0 is not None: A = self.A0 elif np.any(self.PQ_ != 0.0): A = np.diag(self.gamma * np.ones(r)) else: A = np.diag(np.zeros(r)) self.A_history_.append(A) # initial guess for m if self.m0 is not None: m = self.m0 else: np.random.seed(1) m = (np.random.rand(r) - np.ones(r)) * 2 self.m_history_.append(m) # Precompute some objects for optimization x_expanded = np.zeros((n_samples, r, n_features, r)) for i in range(r): x_expanded[:, i, :, i] = x x_expanded = np.reshape(x_expanded, (n_samples * r, r * n_features)) xTx =, x_expanded) xTy =, y.flatten()) # if using acceleration tk_prev = 1 m_prev = m # Begin optimization loop objective_history = [] for k in range(self.max_iter): # update P tensor from the newest m mPQ = np.tensordot(m, self.PQ_, axes=([0], [0])) p = self.PL_ - mPQ Pmatrix = p.reshape(r * r, r * n_features) # update w coef_prev = coef_sparse if self.evolve_w: if self.relax_optim: if self.threshold > 0.0: coef_sparse = self._solve_sparse_relax_and_split( r, n_features, x_expanded, y, Pmatrix, A, coef_prev ) else: pTp =, Pmatrix) H = xTx + pTp / self.eta P_transpose_A =, A.flatten()) coef_sparse = self._solve_nonsparse_relax_and_split( H, xTy, P_transpose_A, coef_prev ) else: m, coef_sparse = self._solve_direct_cvxpy( r, n_features, x_expanded, y, Pmatrix, coef_prev ) # If problem over xi becomes infeasible, break out of the loop if coef_sparse is None: coef_sparse = coef_prev break if self.relax_optim: m_prev, m, A, tk_prev = self._solve_m_relax_and_split( r, n_features, m_prev, m, A, coef_sparse, tk_prev ) # If problem over m becomes infeasible, break out of the loop if m is None: m = m_prev break self.history_.append(coef_sparse.T) PW = np.tensordot(p, coef_sparse, axes=([3, 2], [0, 1])) # (m,A) update finished, append the result self.m_history_.append(m) self.A_history_.append(A) eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(PW) self.PW_history_.append(PW) self.PWeigs_history_.append(np.sort(eigvals)) # update objective objective_history.append(self._objective(x, y, coef_sparse, A, PW, k)) if ( self._m_convergence_criterion() < self.tol_m and self._convergence_criterion() < self.tol ): # Could not (further) select important features break if k == self.max_iter - 1: warnings.warn( "TrappingSR3._reduce did not converge after {} iters.".format( self.max_iter ), ConvergenceWarning, ) self.coef_ = coef_sparse.T self.objective_history = objective_history