Source code for pysindy.optimizers.ssr

import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import ridge_regression

from .base import BaseOptimizer

[docs]class SSR(BaseOptimizer): """Stepwise sparse regression (SSR) greedy algorithm. Attempts to minimize the objective function :math:`\\|y - Xw\\|^2_2 + \\alpha \\|w\\|^2_2` by iteratively eliminating the smallest coefficient See the following reference for more details: Boninsegna, Lorenzo, Feliks Nüske, and Cecilia Clementi. "Sparse learning of stochastic dynamical equations." The Journal of chemical physics 148.24 (2018): 241723. Parameters ---------- max_iter : int, optional (default 20) Maximum iterations of the optimization algorithm. fit_intercept : boolean, optional (default False) Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations. normalize_columns : boolean, optional (default False) Normalize the columns of x (the SINDy library terms) before regression by dividing by the L2-norm. Note that the 'normalize' option in sklearn is deprecated in sklearn versions >= 1.0 and will be removed. copy_X : boolean, optional (default True) If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. kappa : float, optional (default None) If passed, compute the MSE errors with an extra L0 term with strength equal to kappa times the condition number of Theta. criteria : string, optional (default "coefficient_value") The criteria to use for truncating a coefficient each iteration. Must be "coefficient_value" or "model_residual". "coefficient_value": zero out the smallest coefficient). "model_residual": choose the N-1 term model with the smallest residual error. alpha : float, optional (default 0.05) Optional L2 (ridge) regularization on the weight vector. ridge_kw : dict, optional (default None) Optional keyword arguments to pass to the ridge regression. verbose : bool, optional (default False) If True, prints out the different error terms every iteration. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Weight vector(s). history_ : list History of ``coef_``. ``history_[k]`` contains the values of ``coef_`` at iteration k of SSR err_history_ : list History of ``coef_``. ``history_[k]`` contains the MSE of each ``coef_`` at iteration k of SSR Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy.integrate import odeint >>> from pysindy import SINDy >>> from pysindy.optimizers import SSR >>> lorenz = lambda z,t : [10 * (z[1] - z[0]), >>> z[0] * (28 - z[2]) - z[1], >>> z[0] * z[1] - 8 / 3 * z[2]] >>> t = np.arange(0, 2, .002) >>> x = odeint(lorenz, [-8, 8, 27], t) >>> opt = SSR(alpha=.5) >>> model = SINDy(optimizer=opt) >>>, t=t[1] - t[0]) >>> model.print() x0' = -9.999 1 + 9.999 x0 x1' = 27.984 1 + -0.996 x0 + -1.000 1 x1 x2' = -2.666 x1 + 1.000 1 x0 """ def __init__( self, alpha=0.05, max_iter=20, ridge_kw=None, normalize_columns=False, fit_intercept=False, copy_X=True, criteria="coefficient_value", kappa=None, verbose=False, ): super(SSR, self).__init__( max_iter=max_iter, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, copy_X=copy_X, normalize_columns=normalize_columns, ) if alpha < 0: raise ValueError("alpha cannot be negative") if max_iter <= 0: raise ValueError("max iteration must be > 0") if criteria != "coefficient_value" and criteria != "model_residual": raise ValueError( "The only implemented criteria for sparsifying models " " are coefficient_value (zeroing out the smallest coefficient)" " or model_residual (choosing the N-1 term model with)" " the smallest residual error." ) self.criteria = criteria self.alpha = alpha self.ridge_kw = ridge_kw self.kappa = kappa self.verbose = verbose def _coefficient_value(self, coef): """Eliminate the smallest element of the weight vector(s)""" c = coef inds_nonzero = np.ravel(np.nonzero(c)) c_nonzero = c[inds_nonzero] smallest_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(c_nonzero)) c[inds_nonzero[smallest_ind]] = 0.0 return c, inds_nonzero[smallest_ind] def _model_residual(self, x, y, coef, inds): """Choose model with lowest residual error""" x_shape = np.shape(x)[-1] c = np.zeros((x_shape, x_shape - 1)) err = np.zeros(x_shape) for i in range(x_shape): mask = np.ones(x_shape, dtype=bool) mask[i] = False c[i, :] = self._regress(x[:, mask], y) err[i] = np.sum((y - x[:, mask] @ c[i, :]) ** 2) min_err = np.argmin(err) # Figure out where this index is in the larger coef matrix total_ind = min_err q = -1 for i in range(len(inds)): if q == min_err: break if not inds[i]: total_ind += 1 else: q = q + 1 cc = coef cc[total_ind] = 0.0 return cc, total_ind def _regress(self, x, y): """Perform the ridge regression""" kw = self.ridge_kw or {} coef = ridge_regression(x, y, self.alpha, **kw) self.iters += 1 return coef def _reduce(self, x, y): """Performs at most ``self.max_iter`` iterations of the SSR greedy algorithm. """ n_samples, n_features = x.shape n_targets = y.shape[1] cond_num = np.linalg.cond(x) if self.kappa is not None: l0_penalty = self.kappa * cond_num else: l0_penalty = 0 coef = self._regress(x, y) inds = np.ones((n_targets, n_features), dtype=bool) # Print initial values for each term in the optimization if self.verbose: row = [ "Iteration", "|y - Xw|^2", "a * |w|_2", "|w|_0", "b * |w|_0", "Total: |y-Xw|^2+a*|w|_2+b*|w|_0", ] print( "{: >10} ... {: >10} ... {: >10} ... {: >10}" " ... {: >10} ... {: >10}".format(*row) ) self.err_history_ = [] for k in range(self.max_iter): for i in range(n_targets): if self.criteria == "coefficient_value": coef[i, :], ind = self._coefficient_value(coef[i, :]) inds[i, ind] = False if np.any(inds[i, :]): coef[i, inds[i, :]] = self._regress(x[:, inds[i, :]], y[:, i]) else: if np.sum(inds[i, :]) >= 2: coef[i, :], ind = self._model_residual( x[:, inds[i, :]], y[:, i], coef[i, :], inds[i, :] ) inds[i, ind] = False coef[i, inds[i, :]] = self._regress(x[:, inds[i, :]], y[:, i]) self.history_.append(np.copy(coef)) if self.verbose: R2 = np.sum((y -, coef.T)) ** 2) L2 = self.alpha * np.sum(coef**2) L0 = np.count_nonzero(coef) row = [k, R2, L2, L0, l0_penalty * L0, R2 + L2 + l0_penalty * L0] print( "{0:10d} ... {1:10.4e} ... {2:10.4e} ... {3:10d}" " ... {4:10.4e} ... {5:10.4e}".format(*row) ) self.err_history_.append( np.sum((y - x @ coef.T) ** 2) + l0_penalty * np.count_nonzero(coef) ) if np.all(np.sum(np.asarray(inds, dtype=int), axis=1) <= 1): # each equation has one last term break err_min = np.argmin(self.err_history_) self.coef_ = np.asarray(self.history_)[err_min, :, :]