Source code for pysindy.optimizers.miosr

    import gurobipy as gp
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "To use MIOSR please install pysindy with pip install pysindy[miosr]"
        "to gain access to a restricted installation of Gurobi."
        "Free unrestricted academic licenses are available at "

import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from .base import BaseOptimizer

[docs]class MIOSR(BaseOptimizer): """Mixed-Integer Optimized Sparse Regression. Solves the sparsity constrained regression problem to provable optimality .. math:: \\|y-Xw\\|^2_2 + \\lambda R(u) .. math:: \\text{subject to } \\|w\\|_0 \\leq k by using type-1 specially ordered sets (SOS1) to encode the support of the coefficients. Can optionally add additional constraints on the coefficients or access the gurobi model directly for advanced usage. See the following reference for additional details: Bertsimas, D. and Gurnee, W., 2022. Learning Sparse Nonlinear Dynamics via Mixed-Integer Optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.00176. Parameters ---------- target_sparsity : int, optional (default 5) The maximum number of nonzero coefficients across all dimensions. If set, the model will fit all dimensions jointly, potentially reducing statistical efficiency. group_sparsity : int tuple, optional (default None) Tuple of length n_targets constraining the number of nonzero coefficients for each target dimension. alpha : float, optional (default 0.01) Optional L2 (ridge) regularization on the weight vector. regression_timeout : int, optional (default 10) The timeout (in seconds) of the gurobi optimizer to solve and prove optimality (either per dimension or jointly depending on the above sparsity settings). fit_intercept : boolean, optional (default False) Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations. constraint_lhs : numpy ndarray, optional (default None) Shape should be (n_constraints, n_features * n_targets), The left hand side matrix C of Cw <= d. There should be one row per constraint. constraint_rhs : numpy ndarray, shape (n_constraints,), optional (default None) The right hand side vector d of Cw <= d. constraint_order : string, optional (default "target") The format in which the constraints ``constraint_lhs`` were passed. Must be one of "target" or "feature". "target" indicates that the constraints are grouped by target: i.e. the first ``n_features`` columns correspond to constraint coefficients on the library features for the first target (variable), the next ``n_features`` columns to the library features for the second target (variable), and so on. "feature" indicates that the constraints are grouped by library feature: the first ``n_targets`` columns correspond to the first library feature, the next ``n_targets`` columns to the second library feature, and so on. normalize_columns : boolean, optional (default False) Normalize the columns of x (the SINDy library terms) before regression by dividing by the L2-norm. Note that the 'normalize' option in sklearn is deprecated in sklearn versions >= 1.0 and will be removed. Note that this parameter is incompatible with the constraints! copy_X : boolean, optional (default True) If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. initial_guess : np.ndarray, shape (n_features) or (n_targets, n_features), \ optional (default None) Initial guess for coefficients ``coef_`` to warmstart the optimizer. verbose : bool, optional (default False) If True, prints out the Gurobi solver log. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Weight vector(s). ind_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Array of 0s and 1s indicating which coefficients of the weight vector have not been masked out, i.e. the support of ``self.coef_``. model : gurobipy.model The raw gurobi model being solved. """ def __init__( self, target_sparsity=5, group_sparsity=None, alpha=0.01, regression_timeout=10, fit_intercept=False, constraint_lhs=None, constraint_rhs=None, constraint_order="target", normalize_columns=False, copy_X=True, initial_guess=None, verbose=False, ): super(MIOSR, self).__init__( normalize_columns=normalize_columns, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, copy_X=copy_X, ) if target_sparsity is not None and ( target_sparsity <= 0 or not isinstance(target_sparsity, int) ): raise ValueError("target_sparsity must be positive int") if constraint_order not in {"target", "feature"}: raise ValueError("constraint_order must be one of {'target', 'feature'}") if alpha < 0: raise ValueError("alpha cannot be negative") self.target_sparsity = target_sparsity self.group_sparsity = group_sparsity self.constraint_lhs = constraint_lhs self.constraint_rhs = constraint_rhs self.constraint_order = constraint_order self.alpha = alpha self.initial_guess = initial_guess self.regression_timeout = regression_timeout self.verbose = verbose self.model = None def _make_model(self, X, y, k, warm_start=None): model = gp.Model() n_samples, n_features = X.shape _, n_targets = y.shape coeff_var = model.addMVar( n_targets * n_features, lb=-gp.GRB.INFINITY, vtype=gp.GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="coeff_var", ) iszero = model.addMVar( n_targets * n_features, vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name="iszero" ) # Sparsity constraint for i in range(n_targets * n_features): model.addSOS(gp.GRB.SOS_TYPE1, [coeff_var[i], iszero[i]]) model.addConstr(iszero.sum() >= (n_targets * n_features) - k, name="sparsity") # Group sparsity constraints if self.group_sparsity is not None and n_targets > 1: for i in range(n_targets): dimension_sparsity = self.group_sparsity[i] model.addConstr( iszero[i * n_features : (i + 1) * n_features].sum() >= n_features - dimension_sparsity, name=f"group_sparsity{i}", ) # General equality constraints if self.constraint_lhs is not None and self.constraint_rhs is not None: if self.constraint_order == "feature": target_indexing = ( np.arange(n_targets * n_features) .reshape(n_targets, n_features, order="F") .flatten() ) constraint_lhs = self.constraint_lhs[:, target_indexing] else: constraint_lhs = self.constraint_lhs model.addConstr( constraint_lhs @ coeff_var == self.constraint_rhs, name="coeff_constrs" ) if warm_start is not None: warm_start = warm_start.reshape(1, n_targets * n_features)[0] for i in range(n_features): iszero[i].start = abs(warm_start[i]) < 1e-6 coeff_var[i].start = warm_start[i] # Equation 15 in paper Quad =, X) obj = self.alpha * (coeff_var @ coeff_var) for i in range(n_targets): lin =[:, i].T, X) obj += ( coeff_var[n_features * i : n_features * (i + 1)] @ Quad @ coeff_var[n_features * i : n_features * (i + 1)] ) obj -= 2 * (lin @ coeff_var[n_features * i : n_features * (i + 1)]) model.setObjective(obj, gp.GRB.MINIMIZE) model.params.OutputFlag = 1 if self.verbose else 0 model.params.timelimit = self.regression_timeout model.update() self.model = model return model, coeff_var def _regress(self, X, y, k, warm_start=None): """ Deploy and optimize the MIO formulation of L0-Regression. """ m, coeff_var = self._make_model(X, y, k, warm_start) m.optimize() return coeff_var.X def _reduce(self, x, y): """ Runs MIOSR either per dimension or jointly on all dimensions. Assumes an initial guess for coefficients and support are saved in ``self.coef_`` and ``self.ind_``. """ if self.initial_guess is not None: self.coef_ = self.initial_guess n_samples, n_features = x.shape _, n_targets = y.shape if ( self.target_sparsity is not None or self.constraint_lhs is not None ): # Regress jointly coefs = self._regress(x, y, self.target_sparsity, self.initial_guess) # Remove nonzero terms due to numerical error non_active_ixs = np.argsort(np.abs(coefs))[: -int(self.target_sparsity)] coefs[non_active_ixs] = 0 self.coef_ = coefs.reshape(n_targets, n_features) self.ind_ = (np.abs(self.coef_) > 1e-6).astype(int) else: # Regress dimensionwise for i in range(n_targets): k = self.group_sparsity[i] warm_start = ( None if self.initial_guess is None else self.initial_guess[[i], :] ) coef_i = self._regress(x, y[:, [i]], k, warm_start=warm_start) # Remove nonzero terms due to numerical error non_active_ixs = np.argsort(np.abs(coef_i))[: -int(k)] coef_i[non_active_ixs] = 0 self.coef_[i, :] = coef_i self.ind_ = (np.abs(self.coef_) > 1e-6).astype(int) @property def complexity(self): check_is_fitted(self) return np.count_nonzero(self.coef_)