Source code for pysindy.feature_library.weak_pde_library

import warnings
from itertools import combinations
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combinations_w_r
from itertools import product as iproduct

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import binom
from scipy.special import perm
from sklearn import __version__
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ..utils import AxesArray
from .base import BaseFeatureLibrary
from .base import x_sequence_or_item
from pysindy.differentiation import FiniteDifference

[docs]class WeakPDELibrary(BaseFeatureLibrary): """Generate a weak formulation library with custom functions and, optionally, any spatial derivatives in arbitrary dimensions. The features in the weak formulation are integrals of derivatives of input data multiplied by a test function phi, which are evaluated on K subdomains randomly sampled across the spatiotemporal grid. Each subdomain is initial generated with a size H_xt along each axis, and is then shrunk such that the left and right boundaries lie on spatiotemporal grid points. The expressions are integrated by parts to remove as many derivatives from the input data as possible and put the derivatives onto the test functions. The weak integral features are calculated assuming the function f(x) to integrate against derivatives of the test function dphi(x) is linear between grid points provided by the data: f(x)=f_i+(x-x_i)/(x_{i+1}-x_i)*(f_{i+1}-f_i) Thus f(x)*dphi(x) is approximated as a piecewise polynomial. The piecewise components are integrated analytically. To improve performance, the complete integral is expressed as a dot product of weights against the input data f_i, which enables vectorized evaulations. Parameters ---------- library_functions : list of mathematical functions, optional (default None) Functions to include in the library. Each function will be applied to each input variable (but not their derivatives) derivative_order : int, optional (default 0) Order of derivative to take on each input variable, can be arbitrary non-negative integer. spatiotemporal_grid : np.ndarray (default None) The spatiotemporal grid for computing derivatives. This variable must be specified with at least one dimension corresponding to a temporal grid, so that integration by parts can be done in the weak formulation. function_names : list of functions, optional (default None) List of functions used to generate feature names for each library function. Each name function must take a string input (representing a variable name), and output a string depiction of the respective mathematical function applied to that variable. For example, if the first library function is sine, the name function might return :math:`\\sin(x)` given :math:`x` as input. The function_names list must be the same length as library_functions. If no list of function names is provided, defaults to using :math:`[ f_0(x),f_1(x), f_2(x), \\ldots ]`. interaction_only : boolean, optional (default True) Whether to omit self-interaction terms. If True, function evaulations of the form :math:`f(x,x)` and :math:`f(x,y,x)` will be omitted, but those of the form :math:`f(x,y)` and :math:`f(x,y,z)` will be included. If False, all combinations will be included. include_bias : boolean, optional (default False) If True (default), then include a bias column, the feature in which all polynomial powers are zero (i.e. a column of ones - acts as an intercept term in a linear model). This is hard to do with just lambda functions, because if the system is not 1D, lambdas will generate duplicates. include_interaction : boolean, optional (default True) This is a different than the use for the PolynomialLibrary. If true, it generates all the mixed derivative terms. If false, the library will consist of only pure no-derivative terms and pure derivative terms, with no mixed terms. K : int, optional (default 100) Number of domain centers, corresponding to subdomain squares of length Hxt. If K is not specified, defaults to 100. H_xt : array of floats, optional (default None) Half of the length of the square subdomains in each spatiotemporal direction. If H_xt is not specified, defaults to H_xt = L_xt / 20, where L_xt is the length of the full domain in each spatiotemporal direction. If H_xt is specified as a scalar, this value will be applied to all dimensions of the subdomains. p : int, optional (default 4) Positive integer to define the polynomial degree of the spatial weights used for weak/integral SINDy. library_ensemble : boolean, optional (default False) Whether or not to use library bagging (regress on subset of the candidate terms in the library) ensemble_indices : integer array, optional (default [0]) The indices to use for ensembling the library. num_pts_per_domain : int, deprecated (default None) Included here to retain backwards compatibility with older code that uses this parameter. However, it merely raises a DeprecationWarning and then is ignored. implicit_terms : boolean Flag to indicate if SINDy-PI (temporal derivatives) is being used for the right-hand side of the SINDy fit. multiindices : list of integer arrays, (default None) Overrides the derivative_order to customize the included derivative orders. Each integer array indicates the order of differentiation along the corresponding axis for each derivative term. differentiation_method : callable, (default FiniteDifference) Spatial differentiation method. diff_kwargs: dictionary, (default {}) Keyword options to supply to differtiantion_method. Attributes ---------- functions : list of functions Mathematical library functions to be applied to each input feature. function_names : list of functions Functions for generating string representations of each library function. n_input_features_ : int The total number of input features. WARNING: This is deprecated in scikit-learn version 1.0 and higher so we check the sklearn.__version__ and switch to n_features_in if needed. n_output_features_ : int The total number of output features. The number of output features is the product of the number of library functions and the number of input features. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysindy.feature_library import WeakPDELibrary >>> x = np.array([[0.,-1],[1.,0.],[2.,-1.]]) >>> functions = [lambda x : np.exp(x), lambda x,y : np.sin(x+y)] >>> lib = WeakPDELibrary(library_functions=functions).fit(x) >>> lib.transform(x) array([[ 1. , 0.36787944, -0.84147098], [ 2.71828183, 1. , 0.84147098], [ 7.3890561 , 0.36787944, 0.84147098]]) >>> lib.get_feature_names() ['f0(x0)', 'f0(x1)', 'f1(x0,x1)'] """ def __init__( self, library_functions=[], derivative_order=0, spatiotemporal_grid=None, function_names=None, interaction_only=True, include_bias=False, include_interaction=True, K=100, H_xt=None, p=4, library_ensemble=False, ensemble_indices=[0], num_pts_per_domain=None, implicit_terms=False, multiindices=None, differentiation_method=FiniteDifference, diff_kwargs={}, is_uniform=None, periodic=None, ): super(WeakPDELibrary, self).__init__( library_ensemble=library_ensemble, ensemble_indices=ensemble_indices ) self.functions = library_functions self.derivative_order = derivative_order self.function_names = function_names self.interaction_only = interaction_only self.implicit_terms = implicit_terms self.include_bias = include_bias self.include_interaction = include_interaction self.K = K self.H_xt = H_xt self.p = p self.num_trajectories = 1 self.differentiation_method = differentiation_method self.diff_kwargs = diff_kwargs if function_names and (len(library_functions) != len(function_names)): raise ValueError( "library_functions and function_names must have the same" " number of elements" ) if library_functions is None and derivative_order == 0: raise ValueError( "No library functions were specified, and no " "derivatives were asked for. The library is empty." ) if spatiotemporal_grid is None: raise ValueError( "Spatiotemporal grid was not passed, and at least a 1D" " grid is required, corresponding to the time base." ) if num_pts_per_domain is not None: warnings.warn( "The parameter num_pts_per_domain is now deprecated. This " "value will be ignored by the library." ) if is_uniform is not None or periodic is not None: # DeprecationWarning are ignored by default... warnings.warn( "is_uniform and periodic have been deprecated." "in favor of differetiation_method and diff_kwargs.", UserWarning, ) # list of integrals indices = () if np.array(spatiotemporal_grid).ndim == 1: spatiotemporal_grid = np.reshape( spatiotemporal_grid, (len(spatiotemporal_grid), 1) ) dims = spatiotemporal_grid.shape[:-1] self.grid_dims = dims self.grid_ndim = len(dims) # if want to include temporal terms -> range(len(dims)) if self.implicit_terms: self.ind_range = len(dims) else: self.ind_range = len(dims) - 1 for i in range(self.ind_range): indices = indices + (range(derivative_order + 1),) if multiindices is None: multiindices = [] for ind in iproduct(*indices): current = np.array(ind) if np.sum(ind) > 0 and np.sum(ind) <= derivative_order: multiindices.append(current) multiindices = np.array(multiindices) num_derivatives = len(multiindices) if num_derivatives > 0: self.derivative_order = np.max(multiindices) self.num_derivatives = num_derivatives self.multiindices = multiindices self.spatiotemporal_grid = spatiotemporal_grid # Weak form checks and setup self._weak_form_setup() def _weak_form_setup(self): xt1, xt2 = self._get_spatial_endpoints() L_xt = xt2 - xt1 if self.H_xt is not None: if np.isscalar(self.H_xt): self.H_xt = np.array(self.grid_ndim * [self.H_xt]) if self.grid_ndim != len(self.H_xt): raise ValueError( "The user-defined grid (spatiotemporal_grid) and " "the user-defined sizes of the subdomains for the " "weak form, do not have the same # of spatiotemporal " "dimensions. For instance, if spatiotemporal_grid is 4D, " "then H_xt should be a 4D list of the subdomain lengths." ) if any(self.H_xt <= np.zeros(len(self.H_xt))): raise ValueError("Values in H_xt must be a positive float.") elif any(self.H_xt >= L_xt / 2.0): raise ValueError( "2 * H_xt in some dimension is larger than the " "corresponding grid dimension." ) else: self.H_xt = L_xt / 20.0 if self.spatiotemporal_grid is not None: if self.p < 0: raise ValueError("Poly degree of the spatial weights must be > 0") if self.p < self.derivative_order: self.p = self.derivative_order if self.K <= 0: raise ValueError("The number of subdomains must be > 0") self._set_up_weights() def _get_spatial_endpoints(self): x1 = np.zeros(self.grid_ndim) x2 = np.zeros(self.grid_ndim) for i in range(self.grid_ndim): inds = [slice(None)] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) for j in range(self.grid_ndim): inds[j] = 0 x1[i] = self.spatiotemporal_grid[tuple(inds)][i] inds[i] = -1 x2[i] = self.spatiotemporal_grid[tuple(inds)][i] return x1, x2 def _set_up_weights(self): """ Sets up weights needed for the weak library. Integrals over domain cells are approximated as dot products of weights and the input data. """ dims = self.spatiotemporal_grid.shape[:-1] self.grid_dims = dims # Sample the random domain centers xt1, xt2 = self._get_spatial_endpoints() domain_centers = np.zeros((self.K, self.grid_ndim)) for i in range(self.grid_ndim): domain_centers[:, i] = np.random.uniform( xt1[i] + self.H_xt[i], xt2[i] - self.H_xt[i], size=self.K ) # Indices for space-time points that lie in the domain cells self.inds_k = [] k = 0 while k < self.K: inds = [] for i in range(self.grid_ndim): s = [0] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) s[i] = slice(None) s[-1] = i newinds = np.intersect1d( np.where( self.spatiotemporal_grid[tuple(s)] >= domain_centers[k][i] - self.H_xt[i] ), np.where( self.spatiotemporal_grid[tuple(s)] <= domain_centers[k][i] + self.H_xt[i] ), ) # If less than two indices along any axis, resample if len(newinds) < 2: for i in range(self.grid_ndim): domain_centers[k, i] = np.random.uniform( xt1[i] + self.H_xt[i], xt2[i] - self.H_xt[i], size=1 ) include = False break else: include = True inds = inds + [newinds] if include: self.inds_k = self.inds_k + [inds] k = k + 1 # Values of the spatiotemporal grid on the domain cells XT_k = [ self.spatiotemporal_grid[np.ix_(*self.inds_k[k])] for k in range(self.K) ] # Recenter and shrink the domain cells so that grid points lie at the boundary # and calculate the new size H_xt_k = np.zeros((self.K, self.grid_ndim)) for k in range(self.K): for axis in range(self.grid_ndim): s = [0] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) s[axis] = slice(None) s[-1] = axis H_xt_k[k, axis] = (XT_k[k][tuple(s)][-1] - XT_k[k][tuple(s)][0]) / 2 domain_centers[k][axis] = ( XT_k[k][tuple(s)][-1] + XT_k[k][tuple(s)][0] ) / 2 # Rescaled space-time values for integration weights xtilde_k = [(XT_k[k] - domain_centers[k]) / H_xt_k[k] for k in range(self.K)] # Shapes of the grid restricted to each cell shapes_k = np.array( [ [len(self.inds_k[k][i]) for i in range(self.grid_ndim)] for k in range(self.K) ] ) # Below we calculate the weights to convert integrals into dot products # To speed up evaluations, we proceed in several steps # Since the grid is a tensor product grid, we calculate weights along each axis # Later, we multiply the weights along each axis to produce the full weights # Within each domain cell, we calculate the interior weights # and the weights at the left and right boundaries separately, # since the expression differ at the boundaries of the domains # Extract the space-time coordinates for each domain and the indices for # the left-most and right-most points for each domain. # We stack the values for each domain cell into a single vector to speed up grids = [] # the rescaled coordinates for each domain lefts = [] # the spatiotemporal indices at the left of each domain rights = [] # the spatiotemporal indices at the right of each domain for i in range(self.grid_ndim): s = [0] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) s[-1] = i s[i] = slice(None) # stacked coordinates for axis i over all domains grids = grids + [np.hstack([xtilde_k[k][tuple(s)] for k in range(self.K)])] # stacked indices for right-most point for axis i over all domains rights = rights + [np.cumsum(shapes_k[:, i]) - 1] # stacked indices for left-most point for axis i over all domains lefts = lefts + [np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(shapes_k[:, i])[:-1]])] # Weights for the time integrals along each axis tweights = [] deriv = np.zeros(self.grid_ndim) deriv[-1] = 1 for i in range(self.grid_ndim): # weights for interior points tweights = tweights + [self._linear_weights(grids[i], deriv[i], self.p)] # correct the values for the left-most points tweights[i][lefts[i]] = self._left_weights( grids[i][lefts[i]], grids[i][lefts[i] + 1], deriv[i], self.p, ) # correct the values for the right-most points tweights[i][rights[i]] = self._right_weights( grids[i][rights[i] - 1], grids[i][rights[i]], deriv[i], self.p, ) # Weights for pure derivative terms along each axis weights0 = [] deriv = np.zeros(self.grid_ndim) for i in range(self.grid_ndim): # weights for interior points weights0 = weights0 + [self._linear_weights(grids[i], deriv[i], self.p)] # correct the values for the left-most points weights0[i][lefts[i]] = self._left_weights( grids[i][lefts[i]], grids[i][lefts[i] + 1], deriv[i], self.p, ) # correct the values for the right-most points weights0[i][rights[i]] = self._right_weights( grids[i][rights[i] - 1], grids[i][rights[i]], deriv[i], self.p, ) # Weights for the mixed library derivative terms along each axis weights1 = [] for j in range(self.num_derivatives): weights2 = [] deriv = np.concatenate([self.multiindices[j], [0]]) for i in range(self.grid_ndim): # weights for interior points weights2 = weights2 + [self._linear_weights(grids[i], deriv[i], self.p)] # correct the values for the left-most points weights2[i][lefts[i]] = self._left_weights( grids[i][lefts[i]], grids[i][lefts[i] + 1], deriv[i], self.p, ) # correct the values for the right-most points weights2[i][rights[i]] = self._right_weights( grids[i][rights[i] - 1], grids[i][rights[i]], deriv[i], self.p, ) weights1 = weights1 + [weights2] # Product weights over the axes for time derivatives, shaped as inds_k self.fulltweights = [] deriv = np.zeros(self.grid_ndim) deriv[-1] = 1 for k in range(self.K): ret = np.ones(shapes_k[k]) for i in range(self.grid_ndim): s = [0] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) s[i] = slice(None, None, None) s[-1] = i dims = np.ones(self.grid_ndim, dtype=int) dims[i] = shapes_k[k][i] ret = ret * np.reshape( tweights[i][lefts[i][k] : rights[i][k] + 1], dims ) self.fulltweights = self.fulltweights + [ ret * np.product(H_xt_k[k] ** (1.0 - deriv)) ] # Product weights over the axes for pure derivative terms, shaped as inds_k self.fullweights0 = [] for k in range(self.K): ret = np.ones(shapes_k[k]) for i in range(self.grid_ndim): s = [0] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) s[i] = slice(None, None, None) s[-1] = i dims = np.ones(self.grid_ndim, dtype=int) dims[i] = shapes_k[k][i] ret = ret * np.reshape( weights0[i][lefts[i][k] : rights[i][k] + 1], dims ) self.fullweights0 = self.fullweights0 + [ret * np.product(H_xt_k[k])] # Product weights over the axes for mixed derivative terms, shaped as inds_k self.fullweights1 = [] for k in range(self.K): weights2 = [] for j in range(self.num_derivatives): if not self.implicit_terms: deriv = np.concatenate([self.multiindices[j], [0]]) else: deriv = self.multiindices[j] ret = np.ones(shapes_k[k]) for i in range(self.grid_ndim): s = [0] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) s[i] = slice(None, None, None) s[-1] = i dims = np.ones(self.grid_ndim, dtype=int) dims[i] = shapes_k[k][i] ret = ret * np.reshape( weights1[j][i][lefts[i][k] : rights[i][k] + 1], dims, ) weights2 = weights2 + [ret * np.product(H_xt_k[k] ** (1.0 - deriv))] self.fullweights1 = self.fullweights1 + [weights2] @staticmethod def _combinations(n_features, n_args, interaction_only): """ Get the combinations of features to be passed to a library function. """ comb = combinations if interaction_only else combinations_w_r return comb(range(n_features), n_args) def _phi(self, x, d, p): """ One-dimensional polynomial test function (1-x**2)**p, differentiated d times, calculated term-wise in the binomial expansion. """ ks = np.arange(self.p + 1) ks = ks[np.where(2 * (self.p - ks) - d >= 0)][:, np.newaxis] return np.sum( binom(self.p, ks) * (-1) ** ks * x[np.newaxis, :] ** (2 * (self.p - ks) - d) * perm(2 * (self.p - ks), d), axis=0, ) def _phi_int(self, x, d, p): """ Indefinite integral of one-dimensional polynomial test function (1-x**2)**p, differentiated d times, calculated term-wise in the binomial expansion. """ ks = np.arange(self.p + 1) ks = ks[np.where(2 * (self.p - ks) - d >= 0)][:, np.newaxis] return np.sum( binom(self.p, ks) * (-1) ** ks * x[np.newaxis, :] ** (2 * (self.p - ks) - d + 1) * perm(2 * (self.p - ks), d) / (2 * (self.p - ks) - d + 1), axis=0, ) def _xphi_int(self, x, d, p): """ Indefinite integral of one-dimensional polynomial test function x*(1-x**2)**p, differentiated d times, calculated term-wise in the binomial expansion. """ ks = np.arange(self.p + 1) ks = ks[np.where(2 * (self.p - ks) - d >= 0)][:, np.newaxis] return np.sum( binom(self.p, ks) * (-1) ** ks * x[np.newaxis, :] ** (2 * (self.p - ks) - d + 2) * perm(2 * (self.p - ks), d) / (2 * (self.p - ks) - d + 2), axis=0, ) def _linear_weights(self, x, d, p): """ One-dimensioal weights for integration against the dth derivative of the polynomial test function (1-x**2)**p. This is derived assuming the function to integrate is linear between grid points: f(x)=f_i+(x-x_i)/(x_{i+1}-x_i)*(f_{i+1}-f_i) so that f(x)*dphi(x) is a piecewise polynomial. The piecewise components are computed analytically, and the integral is expressed as a dot product of weights against the f_i. """ ws = self._phi_int(x, d, p) zs = self._xphi_int(x, d, p) return np.concatenate( [ [ x[1] / (x[1] - x[0]) * (ws[1] - ws[0]) - 1 / (x[1] - x[0]) * (zs[1] - zs[0]) ], x[2:] / (x[2:] - x[1:-1]) * (ws[2:] - ws[1:-1]) - x[:-2] / (x[1:-1] - x[:-2]) * (ws[1:-1] - ws[:-2]) + 1 / (x[1:-1] - x[:-2]) * (zs[1:-1] - zs[:-2]) - 1 / (x[2:] - x[1:-1]) * (zs[2:] - zs[1:-1]), [ -x[-2] / (x[-1] - x[-2]) * (ws[-1] - ws[-2]) + 1 / (x[-1] - x[-2]) * (zs[-1] - zs[-2]) ], ] ) def _left_weights(self, x1, x2, d, p): """ One-dimensioal weight for left-most point in integration against the dth derivative of the polynomial test function (1-x**2)**p. This is derived assuming the function to integrate is linear between grid points: f(x)=f_i+(x-x_i)/(x_{i+1}-x_i)*(f_{i+1}-f_i) so that f(x)*dphi(x) is a piecewise polynomial. The piecewise components are computed analytically, and the integral is expressed as a dot product of weights against the f_i. """ w1 = self._phi_int(x1, d, p) w2 = self._phi_int(x2, d, p) z1 = self._xphi_int(x1, d, p) z2 = self._xphi_int(x2, d, p) return x2 / (x2 - x1) * (w2 - w1) - 1 / (x2 - x1) * (z2 - z1) def _right_weights(self, x1, x2, d, p): """ One-dimensioal weight for right-most point in integration against the dth derivative of the polynomial test function (1-x**2)**p. This is derived assuming the function to integrate is linear between grid points: f(x)=f_i+(x-x_i)/(x_{i+1}-x_i)*(f_{i+1}-f_i) so that f(x)*dphi(x) is a piecewise polynomial. The piecewise components are computed analytically, and the integral is expressed as a dot product of weights against the f_i. """ w1 = self._phi_int(x1, d, p) w2 = self._phi_int(x2, d, p) z1 = self._xphi_int(x1, d, p) z2 = self._xphi_int(x2, d, p) return -x1 / (x2 - x1) * (w2 - w1) + 1 / (x2 - x1) * (z2 - z1)
[docs] def convert_u_dot_integral(self, u): """ Takes a full set of spatiotemporal fields u(x, t) and finds the weak form of u_dot. """ K = self.K gdim = self.grid_ndim u_dot_integral = np.zeros((K, u.shape[-1])) deriv_orders = np.zeros(gdim) deriv_orders[-1] = 1 # Extract the input features on indices in each domain cell dims = np.array(self.spatiotemporal_grid.shape) dims[-1] = u.shape[-1] for k in range(self.K): # loop over domain cells # calculate the integral feature by taking the dot product # of the weights and functions over each axis u_dot_integral[k] = np.tensordot( self.fulltweights[k], -u[np.ix_(*self.inds_k[k])], axes=( tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), ), ) return u_dot_integral
[docs] def get_feature_names(self, input_features=None): """Return feature names for output features. Parameters ---------- input_features : list of string, length n_features, optional String names for input features if available. By default, "x0", "x1", ... "xn_features" is used. Returns ------- output_feature_names : list of string, length n_output_features """ check_is_fitted(self) if float(__version__[:3]) >= 1.0: n_features = self.n_features_in_ else: n_features = self.n_input_features_ if input_features is None: input_features = ["x%d" % i for i in range(n_features)] if self.function_names is None: self.function_names = list( map( lambda i: (lambda *x: "f" + str(i) + "(" + ",".join(x) + ")"), range(n_features), ) ) feature_names = [] # Include constant term if self.include_bias: feature_names.append("1") # Include any non-derivative terms for i, f in enumerate(self.functions): for c in self._combinations( n_features, f.__code__.co_argcount, self.interaction_only ): feature_names.append( self.function_names[i](*[input_features[j] for j in c]) ) if self.grid_ndim != 0: def derivative_string(multiindex): ret = "" for axis in range(self.ind_range): if (axis == self.ind_range - 1) and ( self.ind_range == self.grid_ndim ): str_deriv = "t" else: str_deriv = str(axis + 1) for i in range(multiindex[axis]): ret = ret + str_deriv return ret # Include integral terms for k in range(self.num_derivatives): for j in range(n_features): feature_names.append( input_features[j] + "_" + derivative_string(self.multiindices[k]) ) # Include mixed non-derivative + integral terms if self.include_interaction: for k in range(self.num_derivatives): for i, f in enumerate(self.functions): for c in self._combinations( n_features, f.__code__.co_argcount, self.interaction_only, ): for jj in range(n_features): feature_names.append( self.function_names[i]( *[input_features[j] for j in c] ) + input_features[jj] + "_" + derivative_string(self.multiindices[k]) ) return feature_names
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def fit(self, x_full, y=None): """Compute number of output features. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Measurement data. Returns ------- self : instance """ n_features = x_full[0].shape[x_full[0].ax_coord] if float(__version__[:3]) >= 1.0: self.n_features_in_ = n_features else: self.n_input_features_ = n_features n_output_features = 0 # Count the number of non-derivative terms for f in self.functions: n_args = f.__code__.co_argcount n_output_features += len( list(self._combinations(n_features, n_args, self.interaction_only)) ) if self.grid_ndim != 0: # Add the mixed derivative library_terms if self.include_interaction: n_output_features += ( n_output_features * n_features * self.num_derivatives ) # Add the pure derivative library terms n_output_features += n_features * self.num_derivatives # If there is a constant term, add 1 to n_output_features if self.include_bias: n_output_features += 1 self.n_output_features_ = n_output_features # required to generate the function names self.get_feature_names() return self
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def transform(self, x_full): """Transform data to custom features Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to transform, row by row. Returns ------- xp : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_output_features) The matrix of features, where n_output_features is the number of features generated from applying the custom functions to the inputs. """ check_is_fitted(self) xp_full = [] for x in x_full: n_features = x.shape[x.ax_coord] xp = np.empty((self.K, self.n_output_features_), dtype=x.dtype) # Extract the input features on indices in each domain cell self.x_k = [x[np.ix_(*self.inds_k[k])] for k in range(self.K)] # library function terms n_library_terms = 0 for f in self.functions: for c in self._combinations( n_features, f.__code__.co_argcount, self.interaction_only ): n_library_terms += 1 library_functions = np.empty((self.K, n_library_terms), dtype=x.dtype) # Evaluate the functions on the indices of domain cells funcs = np.zeros((*x.shape[:-1], n_library_terms)) func_idx = 0 for f in self.functions: for c in self._combinations( n_features, f.__code__.co_argcount, self.interaction_only ): funcs[..., func_idx] = f(*[x[..., j] for j in c]) func_idx += 1 # library function terms for k in range(self.K): # loop over domain cells # calculate the integral feature by taking the dot product # of the weights and functions over each axis library_functions[k] = np.tensordot( self.fullweights0[k], funcs[np.ix_(*self.inds_k[k])], axes=( tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), ), ) if self.derivative_order != 0: # pure integral terms library_integrals = np.empty( (self.K, n_features * self.num_derivatives), dtype=x.dtype ) for k in range(self.K): # loop over domain cells library_idx = 0 for j in range(self.num_derivatives): # loop over derivatives # Calculate the integral feature by taking the dot product # of the weights and data x_k over each axis. # Integration by parts gives power of (-1). library_integrals[k, library_idx : library_idx + n_features] = ( -1 ) ** (np.sum(self.multiindices[j])) * np.tensordot( self.fullweights1[k][j], self.x_k[k], axes=( tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), ), ) library_idx += n_features # Mixed derivative/non-derivative terms if self.include_interaction: library_mixed_integrals = np.empty( ( self.K, n_library_terms * n_features * self.num_derivatives, ), dtype=x.dtype, ) # Below we integrate the product of function and feature # derivatives against the derivatives of phi to calculate the weak # features. We cannot remove all derivatives of data in this case, # but we can reduce the derivative order by half. # Calculate the necessary function and feature derivatives funcs_derivs = np.zeros( np.concatenate([[self.num_derivatives + 1], funcs.shape]) ) x_derivs = np.zeros( np.concatenate([[self.num_derivatives + 1], x.shape]) ) funcs_derivs[0] = funcs x_derivs[0] = x self.dx_k_j = [] self.dfx_k_j = [] for j in range(self.num_derivatives): for axis in range(self.ind_range): s = [0] * (self.grid_ndim + 1) s[axis] = slice(None, None, None) s[-1] = axis # Need derivatives of order less than half derivative_order if self.multiindices[j][axis] > 0 and self.multiindices[j][ axis ] <= (self.derivative_order // 2): funcs_derivs[j + 1] = self.differentiation_method( d=self.multiindices[j][axis], axis=axis, **self.diff_kwargs, )._differentiate( funcs, self.spatiotemporal_grid[tuple(s)] ) if self.multiindices[j][axis] > 0 and self.multiindices[j][ axis ] <= (self.derivative_order - (self.derivative_order // 2)): x_derivs[j + 1] = self.differentiation_method( d=self.multiindices[j][axis], axis=axis, **self.diff_kwargs, )._differentiate(x, self.spatiotemporal_grid[tuple(s)]) # Extract the function and feature derivatives on the domains self.dx_k_j = [ [ x_derivs[j][np.ix_(*self.inds_k[k])] for j in range(self.num_derivatives + 1) ] for k in range(self.K) ] self.dfx_k_j = [ [ funcs_derivs[j][np.ix_(*self.inds_k[k])] for j in range(self.num_derivatives + 1) ] for k in range(self.K) ] # Calculate the mixed integrals library_idx = 0 for j in range(self.num_derivatives): integral = np.zeros((self.K, n_library_terms, n_features)) # Derivative orders after integration by parts derivs_mixed = self.multiindices[j] // 2 derivs_pure = self.multiindices[j] - derivs_mixed # Derivative orders for mixed derivatives product rule derivs = np.concatenate( [ [np.zeros(self.ind_range, dtype=int)], self.multiindices, ], axis=0, ) # Sum the terms in product rule for deriv in derivs[ np.where(np.all(derivs <= derivs_mixed, axis=1))[0] ]: for k in range(self.K): # Weights are either in fullweights0 or fullweights1 j0 = np.where(np.all(derivs == deriv, axis=1))[0][0] if j0 == 0: weights = self.fullweights0[k] else: weights = self.fullweights1[k][j0 - 1] # indices for product rule terms j1 = np.where( np.all(derivs == derivs_mixed - deriv, axis=1) )[0][0] j2 = np.where(np.all(derivs == derivs_pure, axis=1))[0][ 0 ] # Calculate the integral by taking the dot product # of the weights and data x_k over each axis. # Integration by parts gives power of (-1). # Binomial factor comes by product rule. integral[k] = integral[k] + (-1) ** ( np.sum(derivs_mixed) ) * np.tensordot( weights, self.dfx_k_j[k][j1][..., np.newaxis] * self.dx_k_j[k][j2][..., np.newaxis, :], axes=( tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), tuple(np.arange(self.grid_ndim)), ), ) * np.product( binom(derivs_mixed, deriv) ) # collect the results for n in range(n_features): for m in range(n_library_terms): library_mixed_integrals[:, library_idx] = integral[ :, m, n ] library_idx += 1 library_idx = 0 # Constant term if self.include_bias: constants_final = np.zeros(self.K) for k in range(self.K): constants_final[k] = np.sum(self.fullweights0[k]) xp[:, library_idx] = constants_final library_idx += 1 # library function terms xp[:, library_idx : library_idx + n_library_terms] = library_functions library_idx += n_library_terms if self.derivative_order != 0: # pure integral terms xp[ :, library_idx : library_idx + self.num_derivatives * n_features ] = library_integrals library_idx += self.num_derivatives * n_features # mixed function integral terms if self.include_interaction: xp[ :, library_idx : library_idx + n_library_terms * self.num_derivatives * n_features, ] = library_mixed_integrals library_idx += n_library_terms * self.num_derivatives * n_features xp_full = xp_full + [AxesArray(xp, {"ax_sample": 0, "ax_coord": 1})] if self.library_ensemble: xp_full = self._ensemble(xp_full) return xp_full
[docs] def calc_trajectory(self, diff_method, x, t): x_dot = self.convert_u_dot_integral(x) return AxesArray(x_dot, {"ax_sample": 0, "ax_coord": 1})