Source code for pysindy.feature_library.custom_library

from itertools import combinations
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combinations_w_r

from numpy import empty
from numpy import ones
from numpy import shape
from sklearn import __version__
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ..utils import AxesArray
from ..utils import comprehend_axes
from .base import BaseFeatureLibrary
from .base import x_sequence_or_item

[docs]class CustomLibrary(BaseFeatureLibrary): """Generate a library with custom functions. Parameters ---------- library_functions : list of mathematical functions Functions to include in the library. Default is to use same functions for all variables. Can also be used so that each variable has an associated library, in this case library_functions is shape (n_input_features, num_library_functions) function_names : list of functions, optional (default None) List of functions used to generate feature names for each library function. Each name function must take a string input (representing a variable name), and output a string depiction of the respective mathematical function applied to that variable. For example, if the first library function is sine, the name function might return :math:`\\sin(x)` given :math:`x` as input. The function_names list must be the same length as library_functions. If no list of function names is provided, defaults to using :math:`[ f_0(x),f_1(x), f_2(x), \\ldots ]`. interaction_only : boolean, optional (default True) Whether to omit self-interaction terms. If True, function evaulations of the form :math:`f(x,x)` and :math:`f(x,y,x)` will be omitted, but those of the form :math:`f(x,y)` and :math:`f(x,y,z)` will be included. If False, all combinations will be included. library_ensemble : boolean, optional (default False) Whether or not to use library bagging (regress on subset of the candidate terms in the library) ensemble_indices : integer array, optional (default [0]) The indices to use for ensembling the library. include_bias : boolean, optional (default False) If True (default), then include a bias column, the feature in which all polynomial powers are zero (i.e. a column of ones - acts as an intercept term in a linear model). This is hard to do with just lambda functions, because if the system is not 1D, lambdas will generate duplicates. Attributes ---------- functions : list of functions Mathematical library functions to be applied to each input feature. function_names : list of functions Functions for generating string representations of each library function. n_input_features_ : int The total number of input features. WARNING: This is deprecated in scikit-learn version 1.0 and higher so we check the sklearn.__version__ and switch to n_features_in if needed. n_output_features_ : int The total number of output features. The number of output features is the product of the number of library functions and the number of input features. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysindy.feature_library import CustomLibrary >>> x = np.array([[0.,-1],[1.,0.],[2.,-1.]]) >>> functions = [lambda x : np.exp(x), lambda x,y : np.sin(x+y)] >>> lib = CustomLibrary(library_functions=functions).fit(x) >>> lib.transform(x) array([[ 1. , 0.36787944, -0.84147098], [ 2.71828183, 1. , 0.84147098], [ 7.3890561 , 0.36787944, 0.84147098]]) >>> lib.get_feature_names() ['f0(x0)', 'f0(x1)', 'f1(x0,x1)'] """ def __init__( self, library_functions, function_names=None, interaction_only=True, library_ensemble=False, ensemble_indices=[0], include_bias=False, ): super(CustomLibrary, self).__init__( library_ensemble=library_ensemble, ensemble_indices=ensemble_indices ) self.functions = library_functions self.function_names = function_names if function_names and ( shape(library_functions)[-1] != shape(function_names)[-1] ): raise ValueError( "library_functions and function_names must have the same" " number of elements" ) self.include_bias = include_bias self.interaction_only = interaction_only @staticmethod def _combinations(n_features, n_args, interaction_only): """Get the combinations of features to be passed to a library function.""" comb = combinations if interaction_only else combinations_w_r return comb(range(n_features), n_args)
[docs] def get_feature_names(self, input_features=None): """Return feature names for output features. Parameters ---------- input_features : list of string, length n_features, optional String names for input features if available. By default, "x0", "x1", ... "xn_features" is used. Returns ------- output_feature_names : list of string, length n_output_features """ check_is_fitted(self) if float(__version__[:3]) >= 1.0: n_input_features = self.n_features_in_ else: n_input_features = self.n_input_features_ if input_features is None: input_features = ["x%d" % i for i in range(n_input_features)] feature_names = [] if self.include_bias: feature_names.append("1") for i, f in enumerate(self.functions): for c in self._combinations( n_input_features, f.__code__.co_argcount, self.interaction_only ): feature_names.append( self.function_names[i](*[input_features[j] for j in c]) ) return feature_names
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def fit(self, x_full, y=None): """Compute number of output features. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Measurement data. Returns ------- self : instance """ n_features = x_full[0].shape[x_full[0].ax_coord] if float(__version__[:3]) >= 1.0: self.n_features_in_ = n_features else: self.n_input_features_ = n_features n_output_features = 0 for f in self.functions: n_args = f.__code__.co_argcount n_output_features += len( list(self._combinations(n_features, n_args, self.interaction_only)) ) if self.include_bias: n_output_features += 1 self.n_output_features_ = n_output_features if self.function_names is None: self.function_names = list( map( lambda i: (lambda *x: "f" + str(i) + "(" + ",".join(x) + ")"), range(len(self.functions)), ) ) return self
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def transform(self, x_full): """Transform data to custom features Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to transform, row by row. Returns ------- xp : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_output_features) The matrix of features, where n_output_features is the number of features generated from applying the custom functions to the inputs. """ check_is_fitted(self) xp_full = [] for x in x_full: n_features = x.shape[x.ax_coord] if float(__version__[:3]) >= 1.0: n_input_features = self.n_features_in_ else: n_input_features = self.n_input_features_ if n_features != n_input_features: raise ValueError("x shape does not match training shape") xp = empty((*x.shape[:-1], self.n_output_features_), dtype=x.dtype) library_idx = 0 if self.include_bias: xp[..., library_idx] = ones(x.shape[:-1]) library_idx += 1 for f in self.functions: for c in self._combinations( n_input_features, f.__code__.co_argcount, self.interaction_only ): xp[..., library_idx] = f(*[x[..., j] for j in c]) library_idx += 1 xp = AxesArray(xp, comprehend_axes(xp)) xp_full.append(xp) if self.library_ensemble: xp_full = self._ensemble(xp_full) return xp_full