Source code for pysindy.differentiation.base

Base class for numerical differentiation methods
import abc

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

[docs]class BaseDifferentiation(BaseEstimator): """ Base class for differentiation methods. Simply forces differentiation methods to implement a ``_differentiate`` function. """ def __init__(self): pass # Force subclasses to implement this @abc.abstractmethod def _differentiate(self, x, t=1): """ Numerically differentiate data. Parameters ---------- x: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_input_features) Data to be differentiated. Rows of x should correspond to the same point in time. t: float or numpy array of shape (n_samples,) If t is a float, it is interpreted as the timestep between samples in x. If t is a numpy array, it specifies the times corresponding to the rows of x. That is, t[i] should be the time at which the measurements x[i, :] were taken. The points in t are assumed to be increasing. Returns ------- x_dot: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_input_features) Numerical time derivative of x. Entries where derivatives were not computed will have the value np.nan. """ raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, x, t=1): return self._differentiate(x, t)