Source code for pysindy.optimizers.constrained_sr3

import warnings
from typing import Tuple

    import cvxpy as cp

    cvxpy_flag = True
except ImportError:
    cvxpy_flag = False
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import cho_factor
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning

from ..utils import get_regularization
from ..utils import reorder_constraints
from .sr3 import SR3

[docs]class ConstrainedSR3(SR3): """ Sparse relaxed regularized regression with linear (in)equality constraints. Attempts to minimize the objective function .. math:: 0.5\\|y-Xw\\|^2_2 + \\lambda R(u) + (0.5 / \\nu)\\|w-u\\|^2_2 .. math:: \\text{subject to } Cw = d over u and w, where :math:`R(u)` is a regularization function, C is a constraint matrix, and d is a vector of values. See the following reference for more details: Champion, Kathleen, et al. "A unified sparse optimization framework to learn parsimonious physics-informed models from data." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 169259-169271. Zheng, Peng, et al. "A unified framework for sparse relaxed regularized regression: Sr3." IEEE Access 7 (2018): 1404-1423. Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional (default 0.1) Determines the strength of the regularization. When the regularization function R is the l0 norm, the regularization is equivalent to performing hard thresholding, and lambda is chosen to threshold at the value given by this parameter. This is equivalent to choosing lambda = threshold^2 / (2 * nu). nu : float, optional (default 1) Determines the level of relaxation. Decreasing nu encourages w and v to be close, whereas increasing nu allows the regularized coefficients v to be farther from w. tol : float, optional (default 1e-5) Tolerance used for determining convergence of the optimization algorithm. thresholder : string, optional (default 'l0') Regularization function to use. Currently implemented options are 'l0' (l0 norm), 'l1' (l1 norm), 'l2' (l2 norm), 'cad' (clipped absolute deviation), 'weighted_l0' (weighted l0 norm), 'weighted_l1' (weighted l1 norm), and 'weighted_l2' (weighted l2 norm). max_iter : int, optional (default 30) Maximum iterations of the optimization algorithm. constraint_lhs : numpy ndarray, optional (default None) Shape should be (n_constraints, n_features * n_targets), The left hand side matrix C of Cw <= d. There should be one row per constraint. constraint_rhs : numpy ndarray, shape (n_constraints,), optional (default None) The right hand side vector d of Cw <= d. constraint_order : string, optional (default "target") The format in which the constraints ``constraint_lhs`` were passed. Must be one of "target" or "feature". "target" indicates that the constraints are grouped by target: i.e. the first ``n_features`` columns correspond to constraint coefficients on the library features for the first target (variable), the next ``n_features`` columns to the library features for the second target (variable), and so on. "feature" indicates that the constraints are grouped by library feature: the first ``n_targets`` columns correspond to the first library feature, the next ``n_targets`` columns to the second library feature, and so on. normalize_columns : boolean, optional (default False) Normalize the columns of x (the SINDy library terms) before regression by dividing by the L2-norm. Note that the 'normalize' option in sklearn is deprecated in sklearn versions >= 1.0 and will be removed. Note that this parameter is incompatible with the constraints! initial_guess : np.ndarray, optional (default None) Shape should be (n_features) or (n_targets, n_features). Initial guess for coefficients ``coef_``, (v in the mathematical equations) If None, least-squares is used to obtain an initial guess. thresholds : np.ndarray, shape (n_targets, n_features), optional (default None) Array of thresholds for each library function coefficient. Each row corresponds to a measurement variable and each column to a function from the feature library. Recall that SINDy seeks a matrix :math:`\\Xi` such that :math:`\\dot{X} \\approx \\Theta(X)\\Xi`. ``thresholds[i, j]`` should specify the threshold to be used for the (j + 1, i + 1) entry of :math:`\\Xi`. That is to say it should give the threshold to be used for the (j + 1)st library function in the equation for the (i + 1)st measurement variable. inequality_constraints : bool, optional (default False) If True, CVXPY methods are used to solve the problem. verbose : bool, optional (default False) If True, prints out the different error terms every max_iter / 10 iterations. verbose_cvxpy : bool, optional (default False) Boolean flag which is passed to CVXPY solve function to indicate if output should be verbose or not. Only relevant for optimizers that use the CVXPY package in some capabity. unbias: bool (default False) See base class for definition. Most options are incompatible with unbiasing. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Regularized weight vector(s). This is the v in the objective function. coef_full_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Weight vector(s) that are not subjected to the regularization. This is the w in the objective function. history_ : list History of sparse coefficients. ``history_[k]`` contains the sparse coefficients (v in the optimization objective function) at iteration k. objective_history_ : list History of the value of the objective at each step. Note that the trapping SINDy problem is nonconvex, meaning that this value may increase and decrease as the algorithm works. """ def __init__( self, threshold=0.1, nu=1.0, tol=1e-5, thresholder="l0", max_iter=30, trimming_fraction=0.0, trimming_step_size=1.0, constraint_lhs=None, constraint_rhs=None, constraint_order="target", normalize_columns=False, copy_X=True, initial_guess=None, thresholds=None, equality_constraints=False, inequality_constraints=False, constraint_separation_index=0, verbose=False, verbose_cvxpy=False, unbias=False, ): super().__init__( threshold=threshold, nu=nu, tol=tol, thresholder=thresholder, thresholds=thresholds, trimming_fraction=trimming_fraction, trimming_step_size=trimming_step_size, max_iter=max_iter, initial_guess=initial_guess, copy_X=copy_X, normalize_columns=normalize_columns, verbose=verbose, unbias=unbias, ) self.verbose_cvxpy = verbose_cvxpy self.reg = get_regularization(thresholder) self.constraint_lhs = constraint_lhs self.constraint_rhs = constraint_rhs self.constraint_order = constraint_order self.use_constraints = (constraint_lhs is not None) and ( constraint_rhs is not None ) if ( self.use_constraints and not equality_constraints and not inequality_constraints ): warnings.warn( "constraint_lhs and constraint_rhs passed to the optimizer, " " but user did not specify if the constraints were equality or" " inequality constraints. Assuming equality constraints." ) self.equality_constraints = True if self.use_constraints: if constraint_order not in ("feature", "target"): raise ValueError( "constraint_order must be either 'feature' or 'target'" ) if unbias: raise ValueError( "Constraints are incompatible with an unbiasing step. Set" " unbias=False" ) if inequality_constraints and not cvxpy_flag: raise ValueError( "Cannot use inequality constraints without cvxpy installed." ) if inequality_constraints and not self.use_constraints: raise ValueError( "Use of inequality constraints requires constraint_lhs and " "constraint_rhs." ) if inequality_constraints and thresholder.lower() not in ( "l1", "l2", "weighted_l1", "weighted_l2", ): raise ValueError( "Use of inequality constraints requires a convex regularizer." ) self.inequality_constraints = inequality_constraints self.equality_constraints = equality_constraints self.constraint_separation_index = constraint_separation_index def _update_full_coef_constraints(self, H, x_transpose_y, coef_sparse): g = x_transpose_y + coef_sparse / inv1 = np.linalg.inv(H) inv1_mod = np.kron(inv1, np.eye(coef_sparse.shape[1])) inv2 = np.linalg.inv( ) rhs = g.flatten() + self.constraint_rhs - ) rhs = rhs.reshape(g.shape) return def _create_var_and_part_cost( self, var_len: int, x_expanded: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[cp.Variable, cp.Expression]: xi = cp.Variable(var_len) cost = cp.sum_squares(x_expanded @ xi - y.flatten()) if self.thresholder.lower() == "l1": cost = cost + self.threshold * cp.norm1(xi) elif self.thresholder.lower() == "weighted_l1": cost = cost + cp.norm1(np.ravel(self.thresholds) @ xi) elif self.thresholder.lower() == "l2": cost = cost + self.threshold * cp.norm2(xi) ** 2 elif self.thresholder.lower() == "weighted_l2": cost = cost + cp.norm2(np.ravel(self.thresholds) @ xi) ** 2 return xi, cost def _update_coef_cvxpy(self, xi, cost, var_len, coef_prev, tol): if self.use_constraints: if self.inequality_constraints and self.equality_constraints: # Process inequality constraints then equality constraints prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [ self.constraint_lhs[: self.constraint_separation_index, :] @ xi <= self.constraint_rhs[: self.constraint_separation_index], self.constraint_lhs[self.constraint_separation_index :, :] @ xi == self.constraint_rhs[self.constraint_separation_index :], ], ) elif self.inequality_constraints: prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [self.constraint_lhs @ xi <= self.constraint_rhs], ) else: prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [self.constraint_lhs @ xi == self.constraint_rhs], ) else: prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost)) # default solver is SCS/OSQP here but switches to ECOS for L2 try: prob.solve( max_iter=self.max_iter, eps_abs=tol, eps_rel=tol, verbose=self.verbose_cvxpy, ) # Annoying error coming from L2 norm switching to use the ECOS # solver, which uses "max_iters" instead of "max_iter", and # similar semantic changes for the other variables. except (TypeError, ValueError): try: prob.solve(max_iters=self.max_iter, verbose=self.verbose_cvxpy) except cp.error.SolverError: print("Solver failed, setting coefs to zeros") xi.value = np.zeros(var_len) except cp.error.SolverError: print("Solver failed, setting coefs to zeros") xi.value = np.zeros(var_len) if xi.value is None: warnings.warn( "Infeasible solve, probably an issue with the regularizer " " or the constraint that was used.", ConvergenceWarning, ) return None coef_new = (xi.value).reshape(coef_prev.shape) return coef_new def _update_sparse_coef(self, coef_full): """Update the regularized weight vector""" if self.thresholds is None: return super(ConstrainedSR3, self)._update_sparse_coef(coef_full) else: coef_sparse = self.prox(coef_full, self.thresholds.T) self.history_.append(coef_sparse.T) return coef_sparse def _objective(self, x, y, q, coef_full, coef_sparse, trimming_array=None): """Objective function""" if q != 0: print_ind = q % (self.max_iter // 10.0) else: print_ind = q R2 = (y -, coef_full)) ** 2 D2 = (coef_full - coef_sparse) ** 2 if self.use_trimming: assert trimming_array is not None R2 *= trimming_array.reshape(x.shape[0], 1) if self.thresholds is None: regularization = self.reg(coef_full, self.threshold**2 / if print_ind == 0 and self.verbose: row = [ q, np.sum(R2), np.sum(D2) /, regularization, np.sum(R2) + np.sum(D2) + regularization, ] print( "{0:10d} ... {1:10.4e} ... {2:10.4e} ... {3:10.4e}" " ... {4:10.4e}".format(*row) ) return 0.5 * np.sum(R2) + 0.5 * regularization + 0.5 * np.sum(D2) / else: regularization = self.reg(coef_full, self.thresholds**2 / if print_ind == 0 and self.verbose: row = [ q, np.sum(R2), np.sum(D2) /, regularization, np.sum(R2) + np.sum(D2) + regularization, ] print( "{0:10d} ... {1:10.4e} ... {2:10.4e} ... {3:10.4e}" " ... {4:10.4e}".format(*row) ) return 0.5 * np.sum(R2) + 0.5 * regularization + 0.5 * np.sum(D2) / def _reduce(self, x, y): """ Perform at most ``self.max_iter`` iterations of the SR3 algorithm with inequality constraints. Assumes initial guess for coefficients is stored in ``self.coef_``. """ if self.initial_guess is not None: self.coef_ = self.initial_guess coef_sparse = self.coef_.T coef_full = coef_sparse.copy() n_samples, n_features = x.shape n_targets = y.shape[1] if self.use_trimming: trimming_array = np.repeat(1.0 - self.trimming_fraction, n_samples) self.history_trimming_ = [trimming_array] if self.use_constraints and self.constraint_order.lower() == "target": self.constraint_lhs = reorder_constraints(self.constraint_lhs, n_features) # Precompute some objects for upcoming least-squares solves. # Assumes that is fixed throughout optimization procedure. H =, x) + np.diag(np.full(x.shape[1], 1.0 / x_transpose_y =, y) if not self.use_constraints: cho = cho_factor(H) if self.inequality_constraints: # Precompute some objects for optimization x_expanded = np.zeros((n_samples, n_targets, n_features, n_targets)) for i in range(n_targets): x_expanded[:, i, :, i] = x x_expanded = np.reshape( x_expanded, (n_samples * n_targets, n_targets * n_features) ) # Print initial values for each term in the optimization if self.verbose: row = [ "Iteration", "|y - Xw|^2", "|w-u|^2/v", "R(u)", "Total Error: |y - Xw|^2 + |w - u|^2 / v + R(u)", ] print( "{: >10} ... {: >10} ... {: >10} ... {: >10} ... {: >10}".format(*row) ) objective_history = [] if self.inequality_constraints: var_len = coef_sparse.shape[0] * coef_sparse.shape[1] xi, cost = self._create_var_and_part_cost(var_len, x_expanded, y) coef_sparse = self._update_coef_cvxpy( xi, cost, var_len, coef_sparse, self.tol ) objective_history.append(self._objective(x, y, 0, coef_full, coef_sparse)) else: for k in range(self.max_iter): if self.use_trimming: x_weighted = x * trimming_array.reshape(n_samples, 1) H =, x) + np.diag( np.full(x.shape[1], 1.0 / ) x_transpose_y =, y) if not self.use_constraints: cho = cho_factor(H) trimming_grad = 0.5 * np.sum((y - ** 2, axis=1) if self.use_constraints: coef_full = self._update_full_coef_constraints( H, x_transpose_y, coef_sparse ) else: coef_full = self._update_full_coef(cho, x_transpose_y, coef_sparse) coef_sparse = self._update_sparse_coef(coef_full) self.history_.append(np.copy(coef_sparse).T) if self.use_trimming: trimming_array = self._update_trimming_array( coef_full, trimming_array, trimming_grad ) objective_history.append( self._objective(x, y, k, coef_full, coef_sparse, trimming_array) ) else: objective_history.append( self._objective(x, y, k, coef_full, coef_sparse) ) if self._convergence_criterion() < self.tol: # TODO: Update this for trimming/constraints break else: warnings.warn( f"ConstrainedSR3 did not converge after {self.max_iter}" " iterations.", ConvergenceWarning, ) if self.use_constraints and self.constraint_order.lower() == "target": self.constraint_lhs = reorder_constraints( self.constraint_lhs, n_features, output_order="target" ) self.coef_ = coef_sparse.T self.coef_full_ = coef_full.T if self.use_trimming: self.trimming_array = trimming_array self.objective_history = objective_history