Source code for pysindy.feature_library.pde_library

import warnings
from itertools import product as iproduct
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ..utils import AxesArray
from ..utils import comprehend_axes
from .base import BaseFeatureLibrary
from .base import x_sequence_or_item
from .polynomial_library import PolynomialLibrary
from pysindy.differentiation import FiniteDifference

[docs]class PDELibrary(BaseFeatureLibrary): """Generate a PDE library with custom functions. Parameters ---------- function_library : BaseFeatureLibrary, optional (default PolynomialLibrary(degree=3,include_bias=False)) SINDy library with output features representing library_functions to include in the library, in place of library_functions. derivative_order : int, optional (default 0) Order of derivative to take on each input variable, can be arbitrary non-negative integer. spatial_grid : np.ndarray, optional (default None) The spatial grid for computing derivatives temporal_grid : np.ndarray, optional (default None) The temporal grid if using SINDy-PI with PDEs. interaction_only : boolean, optional (default True) Whether to omit self-interaction terms. If True, function evaulations of the form :math:`f(x,x)` and :math:`f(x,y,x)` will be omitted, but those of the form :math:`f(x,y)` and :math:`f(x,y,z)` will be included. If False, all combinations will be included. include_bias : boolean, optional (default False) If True (default), then include a bias column, the feature in which all polynomial powers are zero (i.e. a column of ones - acts as an intercept term in a linear model). This is hard to do with just lambda functions, because if the system is not 1D, lambdas will generate duplicates. include_interaction : boolean, optional (default True) This is a different than the use for the PolynomialLibrary. If true, it generates all the mixed derivative terms. If false, the library will consist of only pure no-derivative terms and pure derivative terms, with no mixed terms. implicit_terms : boolean Flag to indicate if SINDy-PI (temporal derivatives) is being used for the right-hand side of the SINDy fit. multiindices : list of integer arrays, (default None) Overrides the derivative_order to customize the included derivative orders. Each integer array indicates the order of differentiation along the corresponding axis for each derivative term. differentiation_method : callable, (default FiniteDifference) Spatial differentiation method. diff_kwargs: dictionary, (default {}) Keyword options to supply to differtiantion_method. Attributes ---------- n_features_in_ : int The total number of input features. n_output_features_ : int The total number of output features. The number of output features is the product of the number of library functions and the number of input features. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysindy.feature_library import PDELibrary """ def __init__( self, function_library: Optional[BaseFeatureLibrary] = None, derivative_order=0, spatial_grid=None, temporal_grid=None, interaction_only=True, include_bias=False, include_interaction=True, implicit_terms=False, multiindices=None, differentiation_method=FiniteDifference, diff_kwargs={}, is_uniform=None, periodic=None, ): self.function_library = function_library self.derivative_order = derivative_order self.interaction_only = interaction_only self.implicit_terms = implicit_terms self.include_bias = include_bias self.include_interaction = include_interaction self.num_trajectories = 1 self.differentiation_method = differentiation_method self.diff_kwargs = diff_kwargs if function_library is None: self.function_library = PolynomialLibrary(degree=3, include_bias=False) if derivative_order < 0: raise ValueError("The derivative order must be >0") if is_uniform is not None or periodic is not None: # DeprecationWarning are ignored by default... warnings.warn( "is_uniform and periodic have been deprecated." "in favor of differetiation_method and diff_kwargs.", UserWarning, ) if (spatial_grid is not None and derivative_order == 0) or ( spatial_grid is None and derivative_order != 0 and temporal_grid is None ): raise ValueError( "Spatial grid and the derivative order must be " "defined at the same time if temporal_grid is not being used." ) if temporal_grid is None and implicit_terms: raise ValueError( "temporal_grid parameter must be specified if implicit_terms " " = True (i.e. if you are using SINDy-PI for PDEs)." ) elif not implicit_terms and temporal_grid is not None: raise ValueError( "temporal_grid parameter is specified only if implicit_terms " " = True (i.e. if you are using SINDy-PI for PDEs)." ) if spatial_grid is not None and spatial_grid.ndim == 1: spatial_grid = spatial_grid[:, np.newaxis] if temporal_grid is not None and temporal_grid.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("temporal_grid parameter must be 1D numpy array.") if temporal_grid is not None or spatial_grid is not None: if spatial_grid is None: spatiotemporal_grid = temporal_grid spatial_grid = np.array([]) elif temporal_grid is None: spatiotemporal_grid = spatial_grid[ ..., np.newaxis, : ] # append a fake time axis else: spatiotemporal_grid = np.zeros( ( *spatial_grid.shape[:-1], len(temporal_grid), spatial_grid.shape[-1] + 1, ) ) for ax in range(spatial_grid.ndim - 1): spatiotemporal_grid[..., ax] = spatial_grid[..., ax][ ..., np.newaxis ] spatiotemporal_grid[..., -1] = temporal_grid else: spatiotemporal_grid = np.array([]) spatial_grid = np.array([]) self.spatial_grid = spatial_grid # list of derivatives indices = () if np.array(spatiotemporal_grid).ndim == 1: spatiotemporal_grid = np.reshape( spatiotemporal_grid, (len(spatiotemporal_grid), 1) ) # if want to include temporal terms -> range(len(dims)) if self.implicit_terms: self.ind_range = spatiotemporal_grid.ndim - 1 else: self.ind_range = spatiotemporal_grid.ndim - 2 for i in range(self.ind_range): indices = indices + (range(derivative_order + 1),) if multiindices is None: multiindices = [] for ind in iproduct(*indices): current = np.array(ind) if np.sum(ind) > 0 and np.sum(ind) <= self.derivative_order: multiindices.append(current) multiindices = np.array(multiindices) num_derivatives = len(multiindices) self.num_derivatives = num_derivatives self.multiindices = multiindices self.spatiotemporal_grid = AxesArray( spatiotemporal_grid, comprehend_axes(spatiotemporal_grid) )
[docs] def get_feature_names(self, input_features=None): """Return feature names for output features. Parameters ---------- input_features : list of string, length n_features, optional String names for input features if available. By default, "x0", "x1", ... "xn_features" is used. Returns ------- output_feature_names : list of string, length n_output_features """ check_is_fitted(self) n_features = self.n_features_in_ if input_features is None: input_features = ["x%d" % i for i in range(n_features)] feature_names = [] lib_names = [] # Include constant term if self.include_bias: feature_names.append("1") # Include any non-derivative terms lib_names = self.function_library.get_feature_names(input_features) feature_names = feature_names + lib_names def derivative_string(multiindex): ret = "" for axis in range(self.ind_range): if self.implicit_terms and (axis == self.spatiotemporal_grid.ax_time,): str_deriv = "t" else: str_deriv = str(axis + 1) for i in range(multiindex[axis]): ret = ret + str_deriv return ret # Include derivative terms derivative_feature_names = [] for k in range(self.num_derivatives): for j in range(n_features): derivative_feature_names.append( input_features[j] + "_" + derivative_string(self.multiindices[k]) ) feature_names = feature_names + derivative_feature_names # Include mixed non-derivative + derivative terms if ( self.include_interaction and len(lib_names) > 0 and len(derivative_feature_names) > 0 ): feature_names = ( feature_names + np.char.add( np.array(lib_names).reshape(1, -1), np.array(derivative_feature_names).reshape(-1, 1), ) .reshape(-1) .tolist() ) return feature_names
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def fit(self, x_full, y=None): """Compute number of output features. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Measurement data. Returns ------- self : instance """ x0 = x_full[0] n_features = x0.shape[x0.ax_coord] self.n_features_in_ = n_features n_output_features = 0 # Count the number of non-derivative terms, x0.ax_time)) n_output_features = self.function_library.n_output_features_ # Add the mixed derivative library_terms if self.include_interaction: n_output_features += n_output_features * n_features * self.num_derivatives # Add the pure derivative library terms n_output_features += n_features * self.num_derivatives # If there is a constant term, add 1 to n_output_features if self.include_bias: n_output_features += 1 self.n_output_features_ = n_output_features # required to generate the function names self.get_feature_names() return self
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def transform(self, x_full): """Transform data to pde features Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to transform, row by row. Returns ------- xp : np.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_output_features) The matrix of features, where n_output_features is the number of features generated from the tensor product of the derivative terms and the library_functions applied to combinations of the inputs. """ check_is_fitted(self) xp_full = [] for x in x_full: n_features = x.shape[x.ax_coord] if n_features != self.n_features_in_: raise ValueError("x shape does not match training shape") shape = np.array(x.shape) shape[-1] = self.n_output_features_ xp = np.empty(shape, dtype=x.dtype) # derivative terms shape[-1] = n_features * self.num_derivatives library_derivatives = AxesArray(np.empty(shape, dtype=x.dtype), x.axes) library_idx = 0 for multiindex in self.multiindices: derivs = x for axis in range(self.ind_range): if multiindex[axis] > 0: s = [0 for dim in self.spatiotemporal_grid.shape] s[axis] = slice(self.spatiotemporal_grid.shape[axis]) s[-1] = axis derivs = self.differentiation_method( d=multiindex[axis], axis=axis, **self.diff_kwargs, )._differentiate(derivs, self.spatiotemporal_grid[tuple(s)]) library_derivatives[ ..., library_idx : library_idx + n_features ] = derivs library_idx += n_features # library function terms library_functions = self.function_library.fit_transform(x) n_library_terms = library_functions.shape[-1] library_idx = 0 # constant term if self.include_bias: shape[-1] = 1 xp[..., library_idx] = np.ones(shape[:-1], dtype=x.dtype) library_idx += 1 # library function terms xp[..., library_idx : library_idx + n_library_terms] = library_functions library_idx += n_library_terms # pure derivative terms xp[ ..., library_idx : library_idx + self.num_derivatives * n_features ] = library_derivatives library_idx += self.num_derivatives * n_features # mixed function derivative terms shape[-1] = n_library_terms * self.num_derivatives * n_features if self.include_interaction: xp[ ..., library_idx : library_idx + n_library_terms * self.num_derivatives * n_features, ] = np.reshape( library_functions[..., "coord", :] * library_derivatives[..., :, "coord"], shape, ) library_idx += n_library_terms * self.num_derivatives * n_features xp = AxesArray(xp, comprehend_axes(xp)) xp_full.append(xp) return xp_full
[docs] def get_spatial_grid(self): return self.spatial_grid