Source code for pysindy.feature_library.base

Base class for feature library classes.
import abc
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from itertools import repeat
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ..utils import AxesArray
from ..utils import comprehend_axes
from ..utils import validate_no_reshape
from ..utils import wrap_axes

[docs]class BaseFeatureLibrary(TransformerMixin): """ Base class for feature libraries. Forces subclasses to implement ``fit``, ``transform``, and ``get_feature_names`` methods. """
[docs] def validate_input(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return validate_no_reshape(x, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reshape_samples_to_spatial_grid(self, x: np.ndarray) -> AxesArray: """Adapt predictions to fitted spatial grid.""" spatial_grid = self.get_spatial_grid() if spatial_grid is None: return AxesArray(x, {"ax_sample": 0, "ax_coord": 1}) # PDELibrary can have a zero spatial dimension for SINDyPI. shape = [dim for dim in self.get_spatial_grid().shape[:-1] if dim != 0] x = np.reshape(x, (*shape, -1, x.shape[-1])) return AxesArray( x, { "ax_spatial": list(range(len(shape))), "ax_sample": len(shape), "ax_coord": len(shape) + 1, }, )
[docs] def correct_shape(self, x: AxesArray): """Correct the shape of x, given what we know of the problem""" if len(x.shape) == 1: data = np.asarray(x).reshape((-1, 1)) return AxesArray(data, {"ax_time": 0, "ax_coord": 1}) elif len(x.shape) > 2 and type(self) is BaseFeatureLibrary: warnings.warn( "Data shapes with more than 2 axes are " "deprecated for the default problem. We assume that time " "axis comes first, then coordinate axis, then all other " "axes continue the time axis.", DeprecationWarning, ) return x
[docs] def calc_trajectory(self, diff_method, x, t): x_dot = diff_method(x, t=t) x = AxesArray(diff_method.smoothed_x_, x.axes) return x, AxesArray(x_dot, x.axes)
[docs] def get_spatial_grid(self): return None
# Force subclasses to implement this
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fit(self, x, y=None): """ Compute number of output features. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data. Returns ------- self : instance """ raise NotImplementedError
# Force subclasses to implement this
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def transform(self, x): """ Transform data. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform, row by row. Returns ------- xp : np.ndarray, [n_samples, n_output_features] The matrix of features, where n_output_features is the number of features generated from the combination of inputs. """ raise NotImplementedError
# Force subclasses to implement this
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_feature_names(self, input_features=None): """Return feature names for output features. Parameters ---------- input_features : list of string, length n_features, optional String names for input features if available. By default, "x0", "x1", ... "xn_features" is used. Returns ------- output_feature_names : list of string, length n_output_features """ raise NotImplementedError
def __add__(self, other): return ConcatLibrary([self, other]) def __mul__(self, other): return TensoredLibrary([self, other]) def __rmul__(self, other): return TensoredLibrary([self, other]) @property def size(self): check_is_fitted(self) return self.n_output_features_
[docs]def x_sequence_or_item(wrapped_func): """Allow a feature library's method to handle list or item inputs.""" @wraps(wrapped_func) def func(self, x, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(x, Sequence): xs = [AxesArray(xi, comprehend_axes(xi)) for xi in x] result = wrapped_func(self, xs, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, Sequence): # e.g. transform() returns x return [AxesArray(xp, comprehend_axes(xp)) for xp in result] return result # e.g. fit() returns self else: if not sparse.issparse(x): x = AxesArray(x, comprehend_axes(x)) def reconstructor(x): return x else: # sparse arrays reconstructor = type(x) axes = comprehend_axes(x) wrap_axes(axes, x) result = wrapped_func(self, [x], *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, Sequence): # e.g. transform() returns x return reconstructor(result[0]) return result # e.g. fit() returns self return func
[docs]class ConcatLibrary(BaseFeatureLibrary): """Concatenate multiple libraries into one library. All settings provided to individual libraries will be applied. Parameters ---------- libraries : list of libraries Library instances to be applied to the input matrix. Attributes ---------- n_features_in_ : int The total number of input features. n_output_features_ : int The total number of output features. The number of output features is the sum of the numbers of output features for each of the concatenated libraries. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysindy.feature_library import FourierLibrary, CustomLibrary >>> from pysindy.feature_library import ConcatLibrary >>> x = np.array([[0.,-1],[1.,0.],[2.,-1.]]) >>> functions = [lambda x : np.exp(x), lambda x,y : np.sin(x+y)] >>> lib_custom = CustomLibrary(library_functions=functions) >>> lib_fourier = FourierLibrary() >>> lib_concat = ConcatLibrary([lib_custom, lib_fourier]) >>> >>> lib.transform(x) """ def __init__( self, libraries: list, ): self.libraries = libraries
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def fit(self, x_full, y=None): """ Compute number of output features. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data. Returns ------- self : instance """ n_features = x_full[0].shape[x_full[0].ax_coord] self.n_features_in_ = n_features # First fit all libs provided below fitted_libs = [, y) for lib in self.libraries] # Calculate the sum of output features self.n_output_features_ = sum([lib.n_output_features_ for lib in fitted_libs]) # Save fitted libs self.libraries = fitted_libs return self
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def transform(self, x_full): """Transform data with libs provided below. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform, row by row. Returns ------- xp : np.ndarray, shape [n_samples, NP] The matrix of features, where NP is the number of features generated from applying the custom functions to the inputs. """ for lib in self.libraries: check_is_fitted(lib) xp_full = [] for x in x_full: feature_sets = [lib.transform([x])[0] for lib in self.libraries] xp = np.concatenate(feature_sets, axis=feature_sets[0].ax_coord) xp = AxesArray(xp, comprehend_axes(xp)) xp_full.append(xp) return xp_full
[docs] def get_feature_names(self, input_features=None): """Return feature names for output features. Parameters ---------- input_features : list of string, length n_features, optional String names for input features if available. By default, "x0", "x1", ... "xn_features" is used. Returns ------- output_feature_names : list of string, length n_output_features """ feature_names = list() for lib in self.libraries: lib_feat_names = lib.get_feature_names(input_features) feature_names += lib_feat_names return feature_names
[docs] def calc_trajectory(self, diff_method, x, t): return self.libraries[0].calc_trajectory(diff_method, x, t)
[docs]class TensoredLibrary(BaseFeatureLibrary): """Tensor multiple libraries together into one library. All settings provided to individual libraries will be applied. Parameters ---------- libraries : list of libraries Library instances to be applied to the input matrix. inputs_per_library_ : Sequence of Sequences of ints (default None) list that specifies which input indexes should be passed as inputs for each of the individual feature libraries. length must equal the number of feature libraries. Default is that all inputs are used for every library. Attributes ---------- libraries_ : list of libraries Library instances to be applied to the input matrix. n_features_in_ : int The total number of input features. n_output_features_ : int The total number of output features. The number of output features is the product of the numbers of output features for each of the libraries that were tensored together. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pysindy.feature_library import FourierLibrary, CustomLibrary >>> from pysindy.feature_library import TensoredLibrary >>> x = np.array([[0.,-1],[1.,0.],[2.,-1.]]) >>> functions = [lambda x : np.exp(x), lambda x,y : np.sin(x+y)] >>> lib_custom = CustomLibrary(library_functions=functions) >>> lib_fourier = FourierLibrary() >>> lib_tensored = lib_custom * lib_fourier >>> >>> lib_tensored.transform(x) """ def __init__( self, libraries: list, inputs_per_library: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[int]]] = None, ): self.libraries = libraries self.inputs_per_library = inputs_per_library def _combinations(self, lib_i: AxesArray, lib_j: AxesArray) -> AxesArray: """ Compute combinations of the numerical libraries. Returns ------- lib_full : All combinations of the numerical library terms. """ # the shape here should be fixed with ax_coord.... shape = np.array(lib_i.shape) shape[lib_i.ax_coord] = ( lib_i.shape[lib_i.ax_coord] * lib_j.shape[lib_j.ax_coord] ) lib_full = np.reshape( lib_i[..., :, "coord"] * lib_j[..., "coord", :], shape, ) return lib_full def _name_combinations(self, lib_i, lib_j): """ Compute combinations of the library feature names. Returns ------- lib_full : All combinations of the library feature names. """ lib_full = [] for i in range(len(lib_i)): for j in range(len(lib_j)): lib_full.append(lib_i[i] + " " + lib_j[j]) return lib_full def _set_inputs_per_library(self, inputs_per_library): """ Extra function to make building a GeneralizedLibrary object easier """ self.inputs_per_library = inputs_per_library
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def fit(self, x_full, y=None): """ Compute number of output features. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data. Returns ------- self : instance """ n_features = x_full[0].shape[x_full[0].ax_coord] self.n_features_in_ = n_features # If parameter is not set, use all the inputs if self.inputs_per_library is None: self.inputs_per_library = list( repeat(list(range(n_features)), len(self.libraries)) ) # First fit all libs provided below fitted_libs = [[x[..., _unique(self.inputs_per_library[i])] for x in x_full], y) for i, lib in enumerate(self.libraries) ] # Calculate the sum of output features output_sizes = [lib.n_output_features_ for lib in fitted_libs] self.n_output_features_ = 1 for osize in output_sizes: self.n_output_features_ *= osize # Save fitted libs self.libraries = fitted_libs return self
[docs] @x_sequence_or_item def transform(self, x_full): """Transform data with libs provided below. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data to transform, row by row. Returns ------- xp : np.ndarray, shape [n_samples, NP] The matrix of features, where NP is the number of features generated from applying the custom functions to the inputs. """ check_is_fitted(self) xp_full = [] for x in x_full: xp = [] for i in range(len(self.libraries)): lib_i = self.libraries[i] if self.inputs_per_library is None: xp_i = lib_i.transform([x])[0] else: xp_i = lib_i.transform( [x[..., _unique(self.inputs_per_library[i])]] )[0] for j in range(i + 1, len(self.libraries)): lib_j = self.libraries[j] xp_j = lib_j.transform( [x[..., _unique(self.inputs_per_library[j])]] )[0] xp.append(self._combinations(xp_i, xp_j)) xp = np.concatenate(xp, axis=xp[0].ax_coord) xp = AxesArray(xp, comprehend_axes(xp)) xp_full.append(xp) return xp_full
[docs] def get_feature_names(self, input_features=None): """Return feature names for output features. Parameters ---------- input_features : list of string, length n_features, optional String names for input features if available. By default, "x0", "x1", ... "xn_features" is used. Returns ------- output_feature_names : list of string, length n_output_features """ feature_names = list() for i in range(len(self.libraries)): lib_i = self.libraries[i] if input_features is None: input_features_i = [ "x%d" % k for k in _unique(self.inputs_per_library[i]) ] else: input_features_i = np.asarray(input_features)[ _unique(self.inputs_per_library[i]) ].tolist() lib_i_feat_names = lib_i.get_feature_names(input_features_i) for j in range(i + 1, len(self.libraries)): lib_j = self.libraries[j] if input_features is None: input_features_j = [ "x%d" % k for k in _unique(self.inputs_per_library[j]) ] else: input_features_j = np.asarray(input_features)[ _unique(self.inputs_per_library[j]) ].tolist() lib_j_feat_names = lib_j.get_feature_names(input_features_j) feature_names += self._name_combinations( lib_i_feat_names, lib_j_feat_names ) return feature_names
[docs] def calc_trajectory(self, diff_method, x, t): return self.libraries[0].calc_trajectory(diff_method, x, t)
def _unique(s: Sequence) -> Sequence: """Remove duplicates, preserving order when python > 3.7""" return list(dict.fromkeys(s))